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What's with his hot/cold behaviour??

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Ok so a little background history, this guy who I know through family friends started flirting with me nearly 7 years ago, at the time I was 14 and he was quite a bit older (nothing sexual every happened) and we was quite good friends. Anyways we always sort of had a thing, he was very protective of me, picking me up from house parties because he didn't want me to walk with guys and things like that etc, he even went as far as offering to pick me up one night from a party while he was with his girlfriend!


Anyways fast forward to when I'm 18 and we hook up, it was only twice and after a pregnancy scare (which he was very supporting in, even coming with me to the hospital. And even asking me if I'm ok when we found out I wasn't.) Things fizzled out between us and I met my now ex, he also got into a relationship which he is still currently in.


We drifted apart majorly and we don't talk as much as we used to anymore, but last night we went out with our family and friends drinking. We spent the begining of the evening speaking about everything from work, to tv series, to our plans for the future etc. As the night went on, we got a little drunker and he started hitting on me, such as pulling my shirt away and looking down my top. And when me and my mum suggested crashing at his as he lived down the road he said sure, your mum can have the guest room and you can be in the main room. He also brought up how long it had been since we last hooked up. He was coming on very strong.


I drunkingly messaged him last night (not anything rude or sexual) just apologising for some drunk behaviour (god knows why I did apologise for) anyways he messaged back but he was very blunt, and as I tried making conversation just as a friend and to try re-connect as just chilling with him at the begging of the night was nice. But I never got a message back, I kind of expected that but whats with his hot/cold behaviour?

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Just how much older is this guy? He sounds like a sleaze.


Thats exactly the same thing that I thought...

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Well, you said he's in a relationship now. He probably sees where this re-kindled communication could head and doesn't want to give you the wrong idea. Unless and until he's a completely free agent, I wouldn't worry about it.

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He sobered up, that's why he won't message you back.....it was the alcohol talking that night. He really has no interest in you.

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last night we went out with our family and friends drinking. We spent the begining of the evening speaking about everything from work, to tv series, to our plans for the future etc. As the night went on, we got a little drunker and he started hitting on me, such as pulling my shirt away and looking down my top.


In front of your families? He actually did this in front of them? Ugh! What a sleaze!

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What a freakin' sleazeball.


It sounds like the pervert was waiting for you to become 'of age' the whole time he was skulking around when you were 14 until you reached 18. It also sounds as though he did his best to keep teenage boys away from you so the pig could be the one to have sex with you first.


The word predator comes to mind.


Once he got what he wanted a few times, the 'magic' wore off for him. Not to worry, he's probably hanging out at the local high school looking for his next victim to groom and deflower.


You've mistaken this pervert for someone who has common decency, compassion, morals and character.


He has NONE of those traits.


You're just too young to realize that you were groomed, used, and tossed away.

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Ok so a little background history, this guy who I know through family friends started flirting with me nearly 7 years ago, at the time I was 14 and he was quite a bit older (nothing sexual every happened) and we was quite good friends. Anyways we always sort of had a thing, he was very protective of me, picking me up from house parties because he didn't want me to walk with guys and things like that etc, he even went as far as offering to pick me up one night from a party while he was with his girlfriend!


Anyways fast forward to when I'm 18 and we hook up, it was only twice and after a pregnancy scare (which he was very supporting in, even coming with me to the hospital. And even asking me if I'm ok when we found out I wasn't.) Things fizzled out between us and I met my now ex, he also got into a relationship which he is still currently in.


We drifted apart majorly and we don't talk as much as we used to anymore, but last night we went out with our family and friends drinking. We spent the begining of the evening speaking about everything from work, to tv series, to our plans for the future etc. As the night went on, we got a little drunker and he started hitting on me, such as pulling my shirt away and looking down my top. And when me and my mum suggested crashing at his as he lived down the road he said sure, your mum can have the guest room and you can be in the main room. He also brought up how long it had been since we last hooked up. He was coming on very strong.


I drunkingly messaged him last night (not anything rude or sexual) just apologising for some drunk behaviour (god knows why I did apologise for) anyways he messaged back but he was very blunt, and as I tried making conversation just as a friend and to try re-connect as just chilling with him at the begging of the night was nice. But I never got a message back, I kind of expected that but whats with his hot/cold behaviour?





Hello ,

if I may be of an encouragement to you. It was good that He offered a place for you and your mum to rest and allow the alcohol to wear off. We all do things we shouldn't when too much drink has been had.



It is possible that He realized that upon too much to drink he did some things with you He probably should not had ; because if I understood correctly , is still in another relationship. And if he was planning a future with the other lady, then possible embarrassment , guilt , and shame has set in upon him. May I encourage you to give the benefit of the doubt and give some time to see where His heart is. Then try and reconnect or allow him the time needed to mend and sort it all out . Hopefully at which point He may seek you out to meet up and to discuss the issue at hand. I do not know him, but I do not feel it is a toss between hot and cold. I feel He only needs the time to sort it all out.



Thank you and Be Encouraged.

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