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What happens if I never tell him how I feel?

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There is a guy that I am interested in that goes to my school that I knew for a couple of months and I never told him how I felt about him. I am pretty sure that he likes me. If I never tell him how I feel about him, will we never become a couple? I don't usually make the first move that I tell a guy that I like him because I am very shy and I don't want to come across as desperate. Is it wrong of me to not tell that I am interested in him?

Edited by beachlover966
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Which will be harder, that moment of embarrassment or sadness if he rejects you... or... those periods of regret in a few weeks/months time when you look back and wish you'd taken a chance?



Just remember, it's equally as awkward for us guys to ask girls out, but every now and then you just have to think "f**k it" and jump in feet first. If it all goes wrong, then at least you tried.



Just keep it simple, start talking, find out what he likes, hint at some similar things you both enjoy, mention going for a coffee... don't over think it and just be yourself.

Edited by smudge21
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I don't think you have to throw in as all or nothing.


Why not simply make some plans, call it a date, and reveal the true extent of your feelings slowly as you see some reciprocation at each stage?

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Well, if he doesn't want you bad enough or is too fearful to take the initiative and ask you out, do you really want him? Do you want to always have to be the one who is strong enough to step up and handle life's challenges for the both of you? Assuming you're right and he is interested, if he is too fearful to step up to the plate, what makes you think he's mature enough to have a relationship with?

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It's not wrong at all. Never ever announce to someone you are not dating that you like them. Instead convey interest more subtly. Smile when you see the person. Flirt with them. Touch them lightly on the arm. Laugh at their jokes. Most people can tell when somebody likes them. There is not need to announce it.


If you get more confident you can ask him out. You can also wait until the safe Sadie Hawkins day to ask.

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