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What should I say when I call a man I am really attracted to and in love with?

The ball is in MY court!

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The ball is in MY court!

I had a romantic encounter with the leading man I was working with in a musical last year. We do lots of travelling with our professions and we both met on tour.


I never saw him after that for about six months, but I sent him the odd post-card ect. and we talked over the phone a few times.


About a month ago I contacted him and we were going to meet up, but it didn't work out because of our demanding schedules.


He told me where he would be during the month of June (I did't know where I would be) but I haven't contacted him yet because I don't know what to say.


I want to tell him that I am in love with him, but I am so scared I will fumble over my words. I don't think he knows how I feel about him because I always appear so "in control" and cool over the phone with him. He is really well-known in the field and I guess I feel a bit intimidated by his "fame" even though he never acts like a typical "star". He always talks to the company members as if they are all equals and is a really nice, good person.


Should I tell him how I feel, or is it better to play "cool" with men? I know he is very attracted to me. Just hearing his voice sends waves all over my body. How should I proceed with calling him? (I am in LA and he is in London)

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Don't try to plan what you are going to say because you might seem like your putting on an act. Just be yourself and don't be afraid of anything. Let yourself be guided by your true self and don't let common wise-sayings interfere with you because you are unique.

I had a romantic encounter with the leading man I was working with in a musical last year. We do lots of travelling with our professions and we both met on tour. I never saw him after that for about six months, but I sent him the odd post-card ect. and we talked over the phone a few times. About a month ago I contacted him and we were going to meet up, but it didn't work out because of our demanding schedules. He told me where he would be during the month of June (I did't know where I would be) but I haven't contacted him yet because I don't know what to say. I want to tell him that I am in love with him, but I am so scared I will fumble over my words. I don't think he knows how I feel about him because I always appear so "in control" and cool over the phone with him. He is really well-known in the field and I guess I feel a bit intimidated by his "fame" even though he never acts like a typical "star". He always talks to the company members as if they are all equals and is a really nice, good person.


Should I tell him how I feel, or is it better to play "cool" with men? I know he is very attracted to me. Just hearing his voice sends waves all over my body. How should I proceed with calling him? (I am in LA and he is in London)


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