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Please how do I know if he likes me!!!!??????

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I am in so dire need of help right now!! I was engaged to this guy and was having problems with our relationship. I met an incredible guy who happens to live three apartments down from me. Him and I hit it oof perfect. We both agreed that we were to be only friends, i was engeged and he doesnt want a relationship due to being hurt previously. The past month him and I have been hanging out during all of our free time and just cuddling and being playful and all. This is the happiest I have ever been in my life, this guy has made me the happiest woman ever!!! Problems began to rise in my relationship with my fiance and neither of us wanted to admit it, but after 2 months of problems we finally called it quits.


So my neighbor and I have became even closer than ever and we now have a physical relationship whic is amazing the way we click together!!! But I am finding myself to be wanting more than just a friendship. I dont really know how he or myself feels. I do not love him for I have only known him for a month. But I am finding myself thinking of him often and wanting to do sweet things just to see him smile. Every time we cddle or play fight and stuff I can see a glow in his eyes and a sweet smile on his face, does this mean he likes me? He is so compassionate!!


We were talking one night, well techincally it was morning (3 am) and he had told me that with his previous gf he had experienced daja vu. His belief on that is that it is experienced if you are on the right path doing what ever it is you are supposed to do on during your lifetime. Shortly before they had broken up those began to diminish. He confessed that he has been having those with me, but he hasnt came out and said if he was interested in anything more than just a friendship.


HELP!! Should I confess and tell him how I feel even though I am terrified to loose him? Or do I go on like I feel nothing? I am so confused!!! I am so suprised by my feelings for I never meant them to happen!!!

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Originally posted by little_gin84

Every time we cddle or play fight and stuff I can see a glow in his eyes and a sweet smile on his face, does this mean he likes me?




Sounds to me like he very clearly likes you as more than a friend. He's specifically told you that he thinks being with you is the "right path" for him or whatever. But he hasn't brought up changing the official status of the relationship probably because (a) he might be a bit shy, (b) he's being respectful of your ex-engagement and doesn't want to rush you into anything or © he thinks that your relationship is already clear enough that it doesn't need to be officially defined. (If it's getting as physical as you say, you shouldn't have to ask yourself whether he's interested.)


You'll probably have to bring it up if you want to put a better label on this relationship, but I'm sure it'll work out just fine.

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I also think that maybe we are both afraid of getting hurt again and that neither of us wants to really admit that we have feelings for each other. I admit I am scared my self for I have never felt this way, it is a different kind of feeling to find someone that you dont have to deal with the things that bother you, with him nothing bothers me and everything is perfect! Maybe this means I am falling for him.

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Time honoured technique to see if a guy likes you - get him a little tipsy (but not drunk), flirt, then reveal your feelings and go for it. Use body language, eye contact, touching etc, you know the score. Never fails - if he likes you he'll go for it. If he doesn't, he won't.

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That is a good one. We are actually planning on getting drunk this saturday. That is so weird!! But hey it may be me telling him instead of him when I get tipsy. Thanks!!

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Were actually apart right now. I took off and went to my dads for a few days. How can i tell if he has just missed me, or MISSED me when I get back? And would that be a good sighn that he likes me if he has missed me? We have been apart since monday so far and I will be gone until Thursday, so maybe he will miss me a little. Who knows. :bunny::D

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Well, if he practically tackles you with a big hug just as you enter the building, I'd say he'd have seriously missed you. But more generally, watch his reactions to your return. If he likes you and missed you a lot, he'll be very obviously happy that you're back.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey how is everyone? I know you all are probably sick of my dilema. But I have to ask just a few more questions. He took me to meet his family under the assumption that we were going to gether to get his dog. Anyways, he asked me in front of his grandma so what do you think? She was going on about how I was a nice girl and all and when we got in the car he said you know thats my grandmothers way of saying your a good woman and that I need a good wonam like you in my life.


Well that has passed and 4th of july came around. He knows it is my favorite holiday. So him and his friend went to TN. (we live in KY) to get fireworks to celebrate. While the fireworks were going off he held me in his arms the whole time and then he whispered in my ear in a voice I have never heard him use and he said happy 4th.


Ok another thing, I have been basically living at his apartment even though i live three doors down from him. I was there last night, as everynight, and i kissed him on the head and said i was gonna go brush my teeth at my apartment and he was like i you can use one of mine, its not like I hvent kissed you before.


and finally, he is going on vacation for a week with his family and he tolod me I could stay in his apartment while he was gone. To me that takles alot of trust. Well I hope you allcan think of a way I can tell him I like him, or something cause I am going crazy!! I do not want to ruin our friendship, but I am dying to tell him how I feel?

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You have to remember that your poor fiance was the one doing all the hard work here.

This guy is gettting all the goodies without any commitment. That is why it seems so amazing for you, there is no stress, no posessiveness. He dosnt have to go see your parents, buy you stuff, take you out. Theres none of that. Sure its gonna be the best relationship ever.


Think of it as meeting someone on vacation. People are at thier happiest and most confident on vacation. They are outgoing, friendly, happy. Once they get home(or in this case, get into a relationship) the magic is gone and they are just as trying as anyone else.


So maybe this is the love of your life, but MORE likely its just a fun fling with no strings attached.


One word, rebound.

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  • 1 month later...

It has been what, 5 months now and him and I are becoming closer and closer everyday. This is the happiest I have ever been in my life. Do you seriously think we are just having fun with this? We live with each other now. Well thanks for the replies. I wander how long it is going to take for one of us to step up and verbally admit we like each other. We already show we like each other by so many other ways. Thanks

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If he says that he wants to be friends. You need to treat him as an friend with no benefits. If he wants to be with you then you can give him the time of cuddling and whatever else. You guys are playing with each other feelings. Mean what you say and say what you mean. If you are looking for a serious relationship don't get with someone that just want to be friends get with someone that wants a relationship. HELLO and smell the coffee

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Nah i was invited. I had a family reunion to go to. But I have met his family several times, they all think him and I are pretty much dating, cause we kind of are. But you mentioned to say what I mean and do what I say, how do I tell him I like him? Cause when we first got together, he said we would only be friends, unless things ever progressed. So I don't know what to really do. But thanks for replying.

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It sounds like you are * already there * in the relationship. He may not want to put a * name * to it but its quite evident you are a couple by all that you have said. Is it beyond * the talk * now ?


I think you should establish whether you will only be seeing each other . ?


Yes , the other poster suggested he does not have to take you out, you live 3 doors down , you have amazing sex , you love being together . But isnt that what * couples * do ? Well obviiously they do lots more and you guys need to get out more but you do have the components of a relationship. I think if it were FWB he would be spending ALL his time with you.


You just want it clarified that you are a couple. I already see that. Now what you need clarified is that you are exclusive .


Ask him soon before you go bonkers ! lol

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You are living together and you still aren't sure if this guy likes you? How many more clues do you need? If you're question is really about wanting to know if he is "the one".... only time will tell!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I am going to close thos thread now. Saturday he went to a bachelor party after we came back form his sisters wedding. When he came home, he came directly to where I was sleeping and layed down beside me and told me he missed his baby. I thought he was talking about his pug- Angel (cause he always calls her his baby.) And he was like and I was talking to you. So he told me he missed his baby and was refering to me.:D He then told me that he had missed me a little and that he liked me. He said if I didn't lke you I would'nt have you over all the time and I sure wouldnt have let you meet my parents. So I can relax now, it's all over and said- WE FINALLY LIKE EACH OTHER is in the open. His friend who had thrown the bachelor party had asked him if he was dating anyone and he was like yes. So his friend invited us to go out with him and his "wife to be in 2 weeks". So I can officially end this thread (after 4 months!!) and say thanks to all of you who replied!!!!

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  • 1 year later...

I just found this along with some of my emails, and I just wanted to update you..lol. We've been together ever since. We went slowly, then before we both knew it- we were in deep. But thanks for your posts, I think at the time I couldn't think for myself. I liked the guy, but was afraid of another bad relationship..so now we are engaged and getting marreid in like a year!! So thanks for all of your replies!!

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