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Making out

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Hi, I was on a date, and I kissed this girl. It was our first date, is that strange to make out for 5 min on a first date? Are we commited now also? This was also my FIRST time ever making out, and i think i sucked, cause i was moving my tongue really fast and stuff, and i dont think i was any good. can anyone help?...

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1. is that strange to make out for 5 min on a first date?


Not strange at all. But it is a little odd to time it. I mean sucking face is not yet an Olympic event.


2. Are we commited now also?


Yeppers...you gotta marry this girl now. You are absolutely committed. Wow, I bet you didn't count on that. LOL


3. This was also my FIRST time ever making out, and i think i sucked, cause i was moving my tongue really fast and stuff, and i dont think i was any good. can anyone help?...


If you enjoyed yourself and she did as well, don't worry about it. When you're doing something for the first time, let the other person take the lead. Unless she has complained in some way, I wouldn't worry about it. It sounds like you did just fine.

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Well, if you don't think you are ready to settle down with her, you don't really have to marry her. So I guess you're off the hook this time.

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We had a problem here a couple of days ago about a guy assuming that his girlfriend was committed to him because she dated him and kissed him, yet she was sleeping with someone else at the time.


So MAKE SURE you actually discuss this with your date. Don't assume anything. Talk to her about this stuff. If you hardly know each other and this was your first date, then don't scare her away too soon by talks of committment. But make sure you do discuss this bring her, you can bring it up casually. Find out where you stand. The simplest thing to do is just ASK.


About the kissing, the first kiss already happened, so no use worrying about it. A word of advice though, the way you kiss a girl can work wonders for you. It is a very big deal. The way you kiss can make or break you. I remember a guy that was SUCH a terrible kisser that I stopped calling him after I kissed him. It was GROSS. Some of my girlfriends feel the same way about kissing. So make your next kiss absolutely wonderful.


Remember: the way she kisses you is probably the way she wants you to kiss her.


Control your tongue. Give her a long, slow, juicy, passionate kiss. Suck a little on her tongue. Suck one lip at a time. Move your tongue smoothly and slowly in her mouth, massaging her tongue with yours. Don't be too rough; don't drool; don't slobber; don't be a kissing vacuum. Kiss her neck and ears too. And don't forget to use your hands. Don't leave them hanging at your side. Use them to bring her closer to you, to caress her neck and face while you kiss or run your fingers through her hair.


You will drive her absolutely crazy.




Kissing Mistakes (by Andre Cross)


The following is a list of kisses you should avoid:


The Lizard: Your tongue darts in and out of her mouth like a reptile probing for its next victim.


The Roto Rooter: Your tongue ventures so far down her throat that it actually begins to choke her.


The Swordfish: You operate your tongue much like a swordfish, and use your nose in a blunt and violent manner.


The Deep Sea Diver: You rarely come up for air.


Frozen in Time: You never change the position, posture, or angle of your head.


The Squid: You seem to emit an awful smell and taste. All she can think of is how to slip you a breath mint.


LOL :)

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...the first kiss is always awkward isn't it? i remember when i was in high school and all my friends had kissed a guy and not one of them said it was nice. i was sooooo put off that if a guy tried to kiss me, i'd run a mile. i was so embarrassed after my first kiss that i dumped the guy (i thought i was bad and i'd get in before he did).


but really, kissing is fun as long as you aren't slobbering all over the persons face (well, a bit of slobber sometimes happens around the mouth, but it's good slobber) :).


you'll get to know with experience what a girl likes when it comes to kissing, and that can be the fun part.


as for the commitment issue - kissing a person does not mean you are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. you must ask this girl if she wants to go steady with you. whatever you do, don't assume.


you're young and you've got plenty of kissing to be done yet!


have fun!

Hi, I was on a date, and I kissed this girl. It was our first date, is that strange to make out for 5 min on a first date? Are we commited now also? This was also my FIRST time ever making out, and i think i sucked, cause i was moving my tongue really fast and stuff, and i dont think i was any good. can anyone help?...
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