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LDR Breakup or Not

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My gf and I been in a LDR for almost a year.We are both in our 30's We both have our up and down in our relationship. We talk and work it out together. I notice my gf her emotion and committed to our relationship kinda of down hill. On valentine, I came home California to visit her and we have our talk about our relationship. I told her my true feeling about our relationship and where I see us down the line. She told me she want to be w me and that for me not to worry about our relationship and etc. I feel positive when I came home to Florida. She going to visit me end of March. Yesterday, I told her I miss her, i asked her: Do you miss me.. She said " no" then she said "a little". I ask her if our relationship arlight? Is there something wrong? etc.. she said everything fine. I am not concern if she miss me or not, I just concern if she has still has feeling for us or not.

Most of my friend notice that i love her a lot, I do everything I can to make her happy and our relationship work. I dont know if the spark there or not. I can only do so little. I can't force someone to have feeling for me if they don't. I just afraid that I keep trying to make our LDR to work, but in the end if might not work. Yes, I still love her. Does she has feeling for me or love me, that I don't know. We do text and talk regularly.


Am I overacting? Will my relationship work? Should I just call it quit after she came over.

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We need a bit more information.


What types of problems have you experienced in the relationship? And what do you mean when you say she seems to be not as committed anymore? Also, are there plans to close the distance?


It's kind of hard for us to tell if she's still interested or not. But her actually telling you she doesn't miss you is concerning.

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Yes, we need some more information.


1. What does she do for a living?

2. Does she live on her own?

3. Did you meet her family?

4. Did you meet her friends?

5. How are things when you two are together? Like, is she excited? Does she dress up for a date? Do you take her out? Do you do exciting things/new things?

6. Does she blow your mind when you two are intimate? Or sex is just so-so? Or you never went that far yet?

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Yes, we need some more information.


1. What does she do for a living?

2. Does she live on her own?

3. Did you meet her family?

4. Did you meet her friends?

5. How are things when you two are together? Like, is she excited? Does she dress up for a date? Do you take her out? Do you do exciting things/new things?

6. Does she blow your mind when you two are intimate? Or sex is just so-so? Or you never went that far yet?

7. How healthy is she? What do you really know about her?

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