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Mixed up feelings

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Hi there. I have a problem with a girl that I think/thought I was in "love" with. I'm 16 and she's 15. We were officially bf/gf for like 4 monthes, and we never got very far when it comes to physical contact due to my shyness. Anyways, she dumped me because she isnt allowed to date, and I am, so she said she felt as if she was "holding me down" from my love life. I explained to her that she was the only girl I wanted, and that didnt change anything. We broke up and decided to be friends. Well, we talked occasionally and it was ackward, but now it is back to where it was before we were 'official.' She told her friend before her vacation that she would miss me a lot, and that she accually already missed me. What do I do? I mean she has told me that Im the kinda guy she would marry and that im her best guy friend, and that she is still very attracted to me. Im kinda snoopy i know, but I read one of her emails about how she had met a 20 year old guy up there who was "really nice and down to earth." she is FIFTEEN. Well, im just pretty much asking for your opinions of the situations and if she is still worth my strong feelings that i have for her! She always smells so damn good, lol. well, if you have any more questions about stuff i left out, just ask...thanks in advance..

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Start dating other people and stay out of her Email.


When she's allowed to date, if you aren't seeing anybody special you can ask her out.

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