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Does this girl in class like me?

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So I'm trying to find out whether this girl in my class likes me or not. We've been classmates for about six months now. I have a crush on her and I'd be happy if she feels the same. Let me tell you why I suspect she may like me;

She's looking at me very often. When we're in class I sometimes notice that she's looking at me. I've also seen how she can't stop staring at me once I enter the classroom. But I can't be 100% sure about this, since I know it's common to think that your crush is staring at you. But I do definitely know that she looks at me pretty often.

We haven't talked that much. But whenever we talk it's mostly school related etc. She seems to really enjoy talking to me and it feels like she looks me deep in the eyes.

I remember how I once looked at her when we were walking towards each other in the hallway, and we had eye contact for a few seconds and then she looked down on the floor.

Another time when we were in the hallway she was walking towards me together with her friends. I was pretty far away from them but once she saw me, she flipped her hair backwards and then nudged her friend on the shoulder and smiled. But once I was about to walk by them they stopped talking and tried to act as normal as possible. Could this be an indicator?

I've also seen her friends giggle at me a few times once they see me.

There's one thing I wonder though. Since she nudged her friend on the shoulder when she saw me, could that be a way of saying "hey, that's the guy you like!" I really hope her friend isn't the one who likes me lol.

Any advice is appreciated. Should I approach her and talk with her just randomly to see how she reacts? And let me know what you think of the signs I've written above.

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Any of those things are possible. Thing is you can't get any kind of guarantee before you ask someone out, especially with school girls. They're a wiley and fickle lot. The only way to find out is to ask her to do something together and see if she does and comes alone. Good luck.

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Any of those things are possible. Thing is you can't get any kind of guarantee before you ask someone out, especially with school girls. They're a wiley and fickle lot. The only way to find out is to ask her to do something together and see if she does and comes alone. Good luck.


I guess so. Thanks for your response.

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