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An Internet date confession

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Hi- thought I'd post an internet date story here.


This happened last Friday. I'm 30, and I've been off the market for a few years (7 years). Last Friday, I saw an ad for a guy in my area who *seemed* nice, and responded. We exchanged pictures. We chatted that Monday, and by Tuesday, this guy told me he could not wait to meet me Friday. He wanted to meet sooner, but my schedule wouldn't permit.


He started telling me too much about himself for me not knowing him too well: how he was in therapy, on medication, his family relationships, his fears, what his parents did wrong...how women say they want honesty, then are not honest. Then he asked me if I thought I would ever get married. I chalked it up to nerves. (My friends say I am way too nice.)


He sounded a bit needy, kept telling me what a nice guy he was, and he was somewhat too nosey (for someone I really did not know) for details on what I did in the time that I left work until he had telephoned me. He also sent me too many emails.


By Friday, he still had not told me what we were going to do. I had suggested miniature golf, bowling, or something casual, but he said he wanted have dinner and 'talk'.


He wanted me to meet him at his apartment, but I told him that it was not appropriate to do that, that we should meet somewhere neutral. He seemed a bit upset that I was playing it safe. He kept telling me what a nice guy he is...


Well, we were supposed to meet at 7pm Friday, and by the time I left work, I STILL did not know what the plan was.


While I was in the shower at home, he called twice in 5 minutes to, according to my room mate, grill her as to where I was. (My room mate and her brother took an instant dislike to this guy.) Finally, she told him I was in the shower, and he stopped pestering her for info. He said he would not be home until 6:30, and for me to call him then.


I called and left him a message, and didn't hear back from him. It was 7pm when my room mate said I was probably stood up and should forget this guy. I said I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, and wait until 7:30 and then leave for dinner with my friends. 25 min later, he calls, all panicked, asking me if I have been home all this time.


He said he had been trying to call me for the last hour.


This was really weird. I was right by the phone, other calls had come in...


I met him at the restaurant. I realized my pictures were recent (within the last month) but his were not. And he was creepy and drank too much. He kept asking me if it bothered him that he was having beers (I don't drink, especially with guys I do not know) so many times, that it started making me a little nervous. Why did he make such a big deal out of it.


At first, he complimented me way to much that it sounded insincere. Then I felt really uncomfortable. I kept listening to him talk about himself (how he had modelled, how much he dated, etc., and I wondered if he ever got a second date?) He was creeping me out even more.


I won't go into to many details, but it got to the point that I thought of leaving money for my dinner and leaving when he went to the bathroom ( a lot), but I could nto bring myself to be that rude, even though he started getting really rude with me.


We had finished dinner, and I was polite, but reserved because I was really worried he would mistake anything I said for wanting to see his apartment. I had told him once again, 'No'.


When the check came, he said that I probably made more money than he did. I don't know where he got that idea from.


So, offered to pay my portion. He accepted. I had purposely ordered a dish that was less than what he ordered (polite) and he had had a lot of beers. My portion, including tax and tip would have been $13. The bill was $39, and I gave him a $20, because that is what I had. He also only had $20's and pit in $40. When the change came back, he said he would give me a dollar back.


I thought the whole money thing was pretty weird (rude), but not the weirdest thing of the night. I am just glad I was able to once again decline his invitation to see his big screen TV without losing my temper or kicking him if he tried anything further.


Needless to say, my friends got a big laugh out of this, and I laughed, too.


That's life!!!

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I really don't think it's so nice telling everybody in the forum about our date. I'm also really sorry you wouldn't come and see my apartment. It's pretty neat.


OK, so I was a bit nervous. Big deal.

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Tony, very funny!


Tammie, this guy sounds absolutely NUTS! Next time, as soon as they sound needy at the beginning, run for the nearest exit!


Thanks for sharing, it made me laugh :)

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Read my message and the reply and then get back to me........It is called "who are you?(!!!!TONY!!!!)" I was just curious and thought I'd make a new friend....he seemed nice. Read his reply....surprise surprise. And hey...good luck.




P.S. I am a woman(you'll understand when you read the reply)

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