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I dated this guy for two months. I broke up with him because he wasn't around enough for what we had. I later realized I was wrong in many aspects of my thinking, but I also see that he was as well. He is a co-dependent from a dsyfunctional home, like I have been before.


We didn't speak to each other after a while. I generally wanted to be his friend. He was a good hearted guy. Then, he contacted me. We became friends again. It was a relief to be his friend, because I missed him as a friend, but I could handle it either way. It would be the same.


I got the feeling he still liked me in that way though. He was asking about my romantic interests, and spoke of reasons why we didn't work out. It bothered me, but also on the other hand, this may have been the way he treated his friends. But, he was disrespectful to me. He would get angry or say things that were really rude over almost nothing. Example: Because I have been attracted to many guys that I was a whore.


So I decided to forget him and ignore him completely. This is just hard because this is forcing me to go against a value I have. I am willing to help anyone who needs it.


I read an eariler post that was the same type of situation, but still different. I want to know if I did the right thing. I feel like I have but on the other hand, I question it either way I go.


Thanks to all that respond

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Getting away from anybody who treats you with lack of respect and consideration is ALWAYS the right thing to do. If you came from a dysfunctional family, you know what that's all about and you don't need anymore of it.


Good going!!!

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