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Do I really need to rush this?

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Brutum Fulmen

I've known this girl on my course for a month now, and things have really kicked off. I've come to notice that a male friend of hers likes her, but she acts very differently towards me. She often either half-heartedly answers him or changes topic. It seems like she always wants to talk to me, always wants my attention and, along with a lot of strong eye contact, she often giggles. I playfully pushed her chair and she giggled and gave me a cheeky "Urgh" kind of noise whilst rolling her eyes.


Following a lesson all four of us, including another male friend who is gay, headed downstairs. I noticed the girl I like go off in another direction so I asked her if I could come along too - I know, this was probably a bit weak from my part. We grabbed a coffee together and spent an hour and half talking. She did most of it but was asking questions to me in return.


I've learnt that it's a fantastic idea to just let the woman talk in these kinds of scenarios - so she can open up.


We laughed, again made a lot of eye contact (even when we weren't speaking).


I felt that maybe I should've sat next to her to allow her to maybe touch me.


At the end she said "Thanks for waiting with me" to which I replied "Who says I was waiting with you?" and she again giggled and kind of lurched forward... I'm pretty sure she would have hit me.




I feel like she knows I like her, but I'm not sure if it's all mutual.

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Ask her to study with you just one & one. See how that goes. If it goes well, ask her on a date.

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Yes, the only way you'll find out if she sees you as relationship material or just a friend is if you ask her out on a date.

Do not wait and wait, as she may get asked out by anybody at any time.

Seize the day.

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Brutum Fulmen

After hanging with my crush I looked through this list of body signs that tell you a girl likes you and you can escale flirting.

I can't post the URL to the site, unfortunately.


It's a really good list and, the day after, I was completely convinced she likes me back because I ticked almost every "Good" sign from the list.


I now think she doesn't and it frustrates me. I really like her and I'd love to go on a few dates with her.

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Push and pull method. pull back the attention, be aloof, talk to other girls, and when she tries for your attention, give her some acknowledgement, be playful, tease her, then pull back again to keep her on her toes, wondering. It's about bringing up your value. If you are seen with other girls, and you are not clingy/needy, you increase desire. Something gets triggered in the brain when we can't have what everyone wants. This method is used in marketing to get people to buy products. It's pretty simple and it works.

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Brutum Fulmen
Push and pull method. pull back the attention, be aloof, talk to other girls, and when she tries for your attention, give her some acknowledgement, be playful, tease her, then pull back again to keep her on her toes, wondering. It's about bringing up your value. If you are seen with other girls, and you are not clingy/needy, you increase desire. Something gets triggered in the brain when we can't have what everyone wants. This method is used in marketing to get people to buy products. It's pretty simple and it works.


But isn't this used in order to attract her? I've already attracted her, I know she likes me, it's very obvious to me. My question is why do I attempt to convince myself that she doesn't, why do I doubt myself sometimes? Is it because I think it's too good to be true that she likes me back?


This is more to do with me than her. I feel so good around her, I feel manly, I feel in control, I feel centered too.


I don't want to play games with her.

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Why do you try and convince yourself she doesn't? Because you're afraid of Rejection. You ARE playing games by not making a move when you have a crush on her. You are NOT being manly by being too scared of rejection.


Just make a move. Rip the band aid off. Be a real man. :)

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Brutum Fulmen

I've noticed this on several occasions, especially when her male friends cut through our conversations, she just ignores them and asks me questions.


Of course it could be because that particular friend bores her and I'm slightly more interesting (he obviously likes her), but this happens a lot and even with her female friend.



For example, as soon as I made it to my classroom's corridor she got excited when she saw me. Her male friend mentioned a Rugby game that was on TV the other night and I sked him what he thought about it and she randomly tells me "Oh it was amazing... so glad we won".


She ended up sitting next to me in the lesson. I continued flirting with her.

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Space Ritual

Why are you asking us?


No brainer man, of course she likes you. Now follow up.

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Ask her out on a date with confidence. If she turns you down then you will know you are just a new flavor of the month to get attention from.

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