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After the best sex of our relationship my girlfriend and I went to shower, and she turned off the lights inadvertently as she left me in the bathroom. I'm thinking this is something i should be concerned about. A few other things like this have happened also. thx.

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She was on auto-pilot - the great sex probably just made her brain turn off.


In your shoes, I would have laughed and said "oi, I'm still in here". Not sure why you think it's concerning.

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  • 5 weeks later...
she turned off the lights inadvertently as she left me in the bathroom.


Jack, based on your prior posts, you're around 60. If she's around the same age, she probably forgot you were in there.

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After the best sex of our relationship my girlfriend and I went to shower, and she turned off the lights inadvertently as she left me in the bathroom. I'm thinking this is something i should be concerned about. A few other things like this have happened also. thx.

If you both are 60 like the other poster mentioned, then it's possible she has early signs of Dementia. Yes I would be concerned. Go on the net and look for a site that has a test....maybe check that out.

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That was all good input. She used to get up from sex then text another guy she said was a friend. But, I complained so much she stopped.t has been one thing or another like I have explained. She used to run her dog out to her ex all the time for him to baby sit while she was at work, because they used to share him. The dog was like their child. I hated all that. It has been like that for six months. Now the dog has died, She finally told him all about me, and she said he quit calling. She only 45. So, she isn't getting dementia. Neither am I ... that I know of. I

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So let me get this straight. The two of you have sex in the shower. When it's all over with, she gets out, turns off the lights and leaves. Not another word is said about this. And, by leaving, I'm assuming you mean that she physically left your house?


Did you have any conversation with her about this? It seems to be very odd behavior. Even odder if the two of you didn't talk about it.

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So let me get this straight. The two of you have sex in the shower. When it's all over with, she gets out, turns off the lights and leaves. Not another word is said about this. And, by leaving, I'm assuming you mean that she physically left your house?


Did you have any conversation with her about this? It seems to be very odd behavior. Even odder if the two of you didn't talk about it.


No... Thankyou. We talked about it. It's just that it's happened more than once and with the history of it, It seemed, That I'm viewed Sub consciously as a means to just get her off. My Psychologist suggested She pretending to be a girlfriend in a relationship, but in reality I'm just her **** buddy. I want it to work. But, many things feel bad.

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I wouldn't put up with that ridiculous behavior for 2 seconds. If a person did that to me even once, that would be the last time. Sorry my friend but I don't understand at what point you decided that your self-respect should take a back seat in this situation.

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"After the best sex of our relationship my girlfriend and I went to shower"... that would be ridiculous after sex in the shower, but it was sex then afterwards shower, then she exited, and turned the lights off on me while I was drying. But the other...

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I think it's a case of force of habit....don't sweat it.



BTW early on set of Dementia/ Alzheimers disease can start as early as in your 30s, and 40s. The more they study this disease the more they realize it's becoming a serious epidemic. Individuals may already have the disease but don't see the effects until later in life.

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I have worried about her in that regard. But, I think it may another thing. another kind of brain disorder. I gave a her a psych profile test, and she scored narcissist. that's all I have except for a text or two that may point to what you are talking about. Are you a psychologist or anything? And where did you get that thing about sharing passwords before?

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You said she's 45 right? Menopause can be another cause of forgetfulness. I went through it a couple of years ago. I was missing appointments which never happened to me before.

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I think what you really mean is that she has a history of doing things that completely disregard your feelings, almost as if you don't exist? Turning the lights off was just the latest in a string of behaviors that made you feel she does not respect you much less love you?


1. No returned 'I love yous'

2. Texting another guy during intimate times

3. Constantly visiting her ex

4. Turning lights off and leaving you


Your psychologist is telling you that she does not see you as a boyfriend but as a FB, and I would assume this professional has a better perspective and is most likely correct. I am sorry. It seems you want more from this relationship than your lady friend wants. I'm sure that hurts.


I have a close friend (but yet no one is close to her) who is very narcissistic. She has a FB (and a husband, who allows the FB) and she treats others very much the way you describe, forgetting that they are real people with real feelings. She truly does not value people as anything other than possessions for her own use. Even if your friend is not a narcissist like mine, you should move away from people who hurt you--whether that is on purpose (cruel) OR on accident (selfish) if this is a pattern that does not improve even after you bring it up several times. It seems this is really your point, that it keeps happening and feels very hurtful?


Then you know what you need to do. I'm sorry.

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