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Is this something I should be skeptical about? (UPDATED)

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Earlier today, me and my girl were having some laughs and joking around through texting ! We were joking and talking about funny videos and meme's, and somehow the topic swayed to funny vids on FaceBook. So my girl then proceeds to send me a funny picture of something that a mutual friend of ours has put up ! So I look at, laughed, and we continue to joke through the rest of the night. No problems..


As the night progressed, I was laying in bed watching TV, looking through my phone; and I just so happen to come pass the picture that my GF sent to me earlier! The one we were both laughing about....


However, as I looked closely, I noticed that the messenger indicator below had shown 11 messages..I thought to myself " wow, that's a lot of messages for her to be receiving at one time" .... It's not like its 1 or 2.... it's 11! Plus it's showing up as a notification, so these messages have to be new, and she has to probably be holding conversations with people, possibly other men.


We have been together for about a year now, we're currently in a LDR. She goes away to college @ Penn state, which makes us about 3.5 hours apart until school is done for the summer . We try to see each other most weekends! I admit ,she does text me and contact me a lot. She's also shows lots of affection/interest in me. However sometimes she'll go a day without responding back (she claims she busy with class/work and internships, which is totally fine).


I also notice her Facebook and Instagram, and she likes other guys pictures! Sometimes, I'll go to the male(s) page and see that she's liked a couple of that particular male(s) pictures.


But back to the primary question at hand....Do you guys think this is a red flag? 11 messages is pretty much ! I'm not going to think much of it, but you never know... It's just something that isn't sitting right with me...That particular number of 11 is just bothering me for some reason ! You never know with these relationships when you're both in college and she goes away to a big party school like Penn State! It's always that "what if" factor.....I don't know man, I just always have a gut feeling...

11 message though ???!!?? SHEESH....Should I be skeptical ?


PICTURE SUBMITTED BELOW...(Please Look and Help)



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You're being insecure.


I am slightly. But 11 is a lot messages to be receiving at one time in your inbox. I'm not even going to mention anything to her about it. I just wanted to know should that raise my attention or not?


I don't think much of it , but it for surely raised some questions.

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Brutum Fulmen
I am slightly. But 11 is a lot messages to be receiving at one time in your inbox. I'm not even going to mention anything to her about it. I just wanted to know should that raise my attention or not?


I don't think much of it , but it for surely raised some questions.


You're thinking waaaaay too much of it.


Who cares if she's got 11 messages. She's social. What you going to ask... for her to show you who posted the messages?


You're pushing her away.

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You're thinking waaaaay too much of it.


Who cares if she's got 11 messages. She's social. What you going to ask... for her to show you who posted the messages?


You're pushing her away.


No ,I'm actually not going to ask at all. But it does give me mental notes to take. It's no big deal, but it definitely has made me raise some questions.

I trust her ,but on the contrary we are all human, and have temptations. And girls around my way aren't particularly what you would call morally or ethically upstanding.


With all due respect , I'm going to say that I'm probably not like you - in the sense that I don't put too much faith or Too much hope into human beings. If you get what I'm trying to say.

Edited by expensive_labels
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Brutum Fulmen
No ,I'm actually not going to ask at all. But it does give me mental notes to take. It's no big deal, but it definitely has made me raise some questions.

I trust her ,but on the contrary we are all human, and have temptations. And girls around my way aren't particularly what you would call morally or ethically upstanding.


With all due respect , I'm going to say that I'm probably not like you - in the sense that I don't put too much faith or Too much hope into human beings. If you get what I'm trying to say.


This is likely going to consume you, it already is.

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This is likely going to consume you, it already is.


I mean ,wouldn't it raise atleast some sort of questions for you if you seen that amount of messages in your girls inbox? Not necessarily questions that are on the lines of ending a relationship , but things on a smaller scale ? Like Why so many messages? Who could the messages be from? Why that high of a number? You know... Simple questions


You mean to tell you wouldn't think nothing at all , honestly ?

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Brutum Fulmen
I mean ,wouldn't it raise atleast some sort of questions for you if you seen that amount of messages in your girls inbox? Not necessarily questions that are on the lines of ending a relationship , but things on a smaller scale ? Like Why so many messages? Who could the messages be from? Why that high of a number? You know... Simple questions


You mean to tell you wouldn't think nothing at all , honestly ?


Nothing. Now get over it.

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Also, a group message on Facebook will show multiple messages.


There is absolutely no way any of us here can tell you who is messaging her or what she is doing when apart from you. But, do keep in mind that a single group message with several people in the group could result in 11 messages.

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