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Love possible after 10 weeks???

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What can I say, I met someone, hit it off great, now here I am with these old feelings once again. Everything has been going along very smooth and at a decent pace. Then wham I feel like I've been hit by a ton of bricks. Earlier this week I try and shake it off thinking it's was just a passing infatuation. But by the end of the week I couldn't deny what I was feeling anymore. I wasn't expecting this nor did I see this coming. Having felt this way before only a few times in previous relationships. I had to accept it for what it is. I really don't know how much longer I can hold back. How could this happen so quickly??? Or am I just nuts!?! Anyone who's been there or knows of a similar situation, please your advice, comments, etc would be most helpful. Thank's

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Love is possible after only seconds. A mother feels great love for her baby when it is given to her to hold after being born. Of course, romantic love is quite different but it's love all the same.


YOU ASK: "How could this happen so quickly??? Or am I just nuts!?!"


Probably yes to both. Some people fall in love more quickly than others. Some are very open to it at particular timed in their lives, very vulnerable. Others who are closed tightly because of past experiences may take forever.


Consider yourself lucky that you have these intense feelings. But before you profess anything to her, let some time pass to see if your lady appears to be feeling similarly.


It could scare some women for a guy to profess great love this soon in a relationship. You are the best judge of how things are going and whether or not she's ready for that kind of intensity.


And, whatever you do, don't go goo-goo ga-ga around her no matter how much you feel for her. If you start giving her all sorts of things...flowers, presents, etc. and if you start kissing her butt, I promise you there will be no way she can have a great feeling about that.


No matter how much you are in love, you must continue to be a man, a challenge, unpredictable, and in no way ever appear to be a lovesick wimp.


My bet is you can pull this off.

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There is no such thing as being in-love at first sight. There is such a thing as infatuation at first sight, which may end up growing into real love, once you've gotten to know the person. You cannot fully be in-love with someone, unless you know who they are, spent time with them, and learned about them. A lot of people get that mixed up which is one of the big reasons why a lot of relationships fail. That's why everyone out there says, "I want someone to love me for me." Now my parents and syblings love me for me, but that's a different kind of unconditional love. You're looking for a romantic, in-love feeling with this person that you want to share with this one special person only. Everyone is looking for a special someone. When you find it, it feels really great. Once you've recognized that you feel this way about someone, it comes on really strong and can be quite overwhelming. There is no way you'd be able to hold back, so go with it.


Anyway, 10 weeks is time and it's certainly enough time to start to develop the first stages of falling in-love with someone - if you've spent any time with them, talked to them, and have gotten to know them on any level. You'll know you fully love the person when even their little annoying traits are easily overlooked and they make you incredibly happy when you're with them. Once you fully love someone, you'll always love them, even if you end up parting ways. Also note that the feelings overtime may not always be the 'butterflies in the stomach' feeling, but it will grow into a different stage which is just as wonderful, but different.


I hope things work out and I hope this person ends up feeling the same way. It can be quite wonderful.

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Most percentage of people that start to date become overwhelmed with a feeling like yours. It is called lust. Alot of people mistake it for love cause it is such an overpowering feeling, but until one knows the person and has shared so much of their time together they won't experience the real thing. I experience the feeling you're describing after a few weeks and had it for a few months. But once you settle into the relationship that "kapow" feeling will slowly subside. Better enjoy it while it's there, that's all I can say cause it'll never be as powerful as it is now.

What can I say, I met someone, hit it off great, now here I am with these old feelings once again. Everything has been going along very smooth and at a decent pace. Then wham I feel like I've been hit by a ton of bricks. Earlier this week I try and shake it off thinking it's was just a passing infatuation. But by the end of the week I couldn't deny what I was feeling anymore. I wasn't expecting this nor did I see this coming. Having felt this way before only a few times in previous relationships. I had to accept it for what it is. I really don't know how much longer I can hold back. How could this happen so quickly??? Or am I just nuts!?! Anyone who's been there or knows of a similar situation, please your advice, comments, etc would be most helpful. Thank's
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