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Okay, I'm doing it. I think it's time.


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Pops - my hair (lots of it as its currently waist length) goes like Shirley Temple after its been plaited all day...


I learnt that its apparently rather sexy when I shove it up randomly and let it be messy... Loads of guys love it like that and many comment about how sexy it is...


Go on the date! :D

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Pops - my hair (lots of it as its currently waist length) goes like Shirley Temple after its been plaited all day...


Really??? :D. I'd love to see your hair!!!!

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Really??? :D. I'd love to see your hair!!!!


Its being chopped off in a couple of weeks! Not had it cut for years so time for it to go, then I will probably freak out and not have it cut again for years again while I get over the shock... Last time they took over 7 inches off and it was still below my shoulders!!! :o


It was just past my boobs in feb last year. I have a photo of that but nothing recent with it down.

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Never go out without your hair looking its best!!


Not for him, but for yourself !!


We are much more confident and feel sexy when our hair is fabulous!


Also if you go meet him with flat dirty hair he's gonna think next time he sees you you'll have a fishnet on your head or what !


Tell him you'll be there at <insert time> and take care of your hair.

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My husband and I were looking for a coworker on one of those sites....we got distracted and started looking at pic and profiles.....I have one word, pathetic. I was so surprised at the lack of effort from the guys. Such horrible photos! lol It's no wonder it's like finding a needle in a hay stack.


Thanks for letting us be a part of your journey. Best of luck to you!


It goes the same for a lot of women on those sites. They are just as if not more pathetic than the men on the sites.

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He said ok and that he would chat with me later after work.


I probably blew it.


You blew nothing. He's shown interest I would imagine still is interested enough to chat to you again. Now listen to Toodaloo about the hair thing and go get your man!

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You say yes please and go.


You do not worry about your hair because you go with the attitude that you are checking him out to see if he is good enough for you... Who cares if you are good enough for him. We all already KNOW you are...


Have fun :D


Do not agree.... yes she is checking him out....but HE is checking her out too... they are checking each other out to determine if they are right for each other.


No no no do not go with messy hair. Reschedule if you must ... just don't tell him it's because you have messy hair.


Just tell him tonight's not good and offer a day that is!


Good luck Pops!

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Who would you rather go out with?


1. The guy who is keen to meet you and have fun or

2. The guy who has no confidence in himself and doesn't want you to see any flaws?


Accept yourself.


So you have messy hair. Work with it. Do something with it. Make messy hair sexy and sassy.


Do not be the girl that turns down dates because she has a pimple today or feels a bit fat today. That screams insecurity and dull.


Go and have fun!!!

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Got asked out by a cute guy tonight but I'm not ready, my hair is a mess today! What do I say?


Well, here's an inspiring video to help you with the dating dilemma

(It's all in the attitude)



So glad you're finally venturing into the dating world--

best of luck.

Have fun! :)

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If you really can't get your hair working, go anyway and make a joke of it! 'Look at this! I was in front of that mirror for an hour!', then you both have a damn good laugh about it. It's a potential icebreaker!


And Toodaloo, show us your sexy long hair! Come on!

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And Toodaloo, show us your sexy long hair! Come on!


No...! :laugh:


Besides its being chopped off in a couple of weeks time anyway!

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Oh, Toodles, I wanted to see your hair too. :laugh:


So, last night I spoke on the phone with two gentleman. One is the one I referred to above. We may go out this weekend, but after speaking with him, I'm not sure if our personalities will mesh well. I'd like to see him first though. Maybe his looks will blind me against that! (I hope) he's pretty cute. We both went to sleep after talking and he asked me to text him in the morning when I wake. I like that sort of clinginess in a man! Anyways, he says he will meet whenever I want to. Maybe I'll do it before the weekend too. I dunno.


The second guy I talked to, I actually like even better than the first, because we have so much more in common BUT he lives in San Diego, which is 500 miles away. 2 hour plane ride, 9 hour car drive. But I really like him so far, like a lot, but I don't know what to do. I can't do long distance, I just can't, I hate that ****, but I like him! He likes me too. What do I do?

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You go out with the first one as you're clearly into him already and you then consider seeing the second one but keep yourself aware of the distance situation. Basically, you're currently out fishing and your boats big enough for a few catches before you have to set off home. Enjoy yourself. Hope the hair's okay. Maybe a picture from Toodaloo will help...

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I don't want to fall into the trap of multi-dating.


But isn't this like the first two guys... and you've only sorted a date with one of them. It's hardly multi-dating, it's more... keeping your options open. Nothing wrong with being picky - I take months to buy new shoes and I only put my feet in them!

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But isn't this like the first two guys... and you've only sorted a date with one of them. It's hardly multi-dating, it's more... keeping your options open. Nothing wrong with being picky - I take months to buy new shoes and I only put my feet in them!


I get overwhelmed super easily. I just want one guy please.

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I get overwhelmed super easily. I just want one guy please.



So just date the first one, see how that goes. If it looks good, date him again and so on. If not, then you have another option. I think you're fears take over here when you should be trying to see this all as one big opportunity and the start of potentially something really good. Relax in other words.

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I don't want to fall into the trap of multi-dating.


Pops going out and meeting people is not "multi dating". If it goes beyond third date with someone and you are still out meeting others then yes but before that no.


Most of the guys you meet will fall by the wayside after 1-2 meets/ dates. I would go so far as to say around 99.8% of them will go that way. If you have two first dates lined up that is fine. Both will probably go no further anyway.


Go and have fun meeting Guy 1. See how you feel about Guy 2. Personally I am not for Long Distance at all.

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I take months to buy new shoes and I only put my feet in them!


You can't be serious about this.


This is a joke, right?



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You can't be serious about this.


This is a joke, right?





I'm very selective - beggars can be choosers after all.

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You can't be serious about this.


This is a joke, right?




Pops - Smudge is British. And a Northerner to boot. We have really weird habits over here. Its what makes us British. I have a "thing" about toilet rolls for example and have to have at least 6 months supply in stock at home. Actually I am down to just 20 so I must go shopping this weekend before my head explodes.


Just go and enjoy dating and meeting new people.


Walk away if you are unsure or feel unsafe or wary in any way. Always let someone know that you have a date and give a brief description of them and always meet in public.


Get tough and cut loose any that are not up to your standard.


Other than that don't worry and just enjoy.

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