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RE: Will I ever overcome this

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RE: Will I ever overcome this

To Unnamed,


We have talked on ICQ, if you remember me, from NYC. As I said, my girl's sexual past was harder to deal with than you girl's. Our relationship got into such a mess that we finally ended. I don't mean to discourage you, but, hey it is your health we are talking about. For me, I lost sleep at night, was drinking anti-depression medications. Who needs that kind of a relationship? DOes not it sound sick? I loved her, and she loved me too, but if we loose sleep over the sexual past of our partners, and our health gets deteriorated, it is not wirth it. God did not give us life for us to ruin it over someone else's past. Hey, if you really are bothered, it sounds harsh, but I say, pack your bags, and leave her alone. I left her alone, and now I am with another girl. I have not asked her a question about her past, and I really don't care, because given my nature, if I find out something that I might not like, I will have to go back to the pharmacy and get a re-fill for my medications.


Life is short, and if you see that youre health is being affected by it, it is not worth it, unless you can get some help, maybe a therapist can help you, but I do not believe in them.


You can stick around for another 3-4months, a trial period, if you are still bothered, just leave her, and get yourself someone else, but it seems to me that that someone else, if she is not going to be a virgin, you will encounter the same problems. But as for now, make sure your health does not get effected by this, trust me, it is not worth damaging what God has given us, our health!!! Mental and physical!!

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