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Am I in or does she think I'm a creep

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So I walked by this 9/10 [girl] I looked at her through my peripheral vision for a second and she saw me, she was with a friend of hers and when we walked past eachother I looked back and she looked back as well and she said hi, I have seen her before and i can't keep my eyes of her, she's a sophomore and I'm a freshman in high school. So was that my chance? Because I [wussed] out

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You're still in school and going to see her, so no that wasn't your only chance. Next time you see her hanging out in the hall or whatever, just go up and say, "Hi, I'm David. Saw you in the hall the other day and just wanted to introduce myself." Then say hi to whoever she's standing there with too. Don't ignore them. Then hopefully, they will also tell you their names. And then from there if you're flustered, quit while you're ahead and just say, "Nice to meet you. See you soon."

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