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I've been in a 4 year relationship and have ****ed around with two people in the last about 4 months. one i was constantly seeing for a month or so. and the other i met up with the other night. idk what has gotten into me i don't know why I'm doing this.i want to tell my partner but they will be absolutely heart broken. I'm scared

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I've been in a 4 year relationship and have ****ed around with two people in the last about 4 months. one i was constantly seeing for a month or so. and the other i met up with the other night. idk what has gotten into me *i don't know why I'm doing this.i want to tell my partner but they will be absolutely heart broken. I'm scared


*Find a therapist and address this issue in that context.


Apart from anything else, you're putting your own and your partner's health at risk.


Pick up the phone.


Find a therapist.



Take care.

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*Find a therapist and address this issue in that context.


Apart from anything else, you're putting your own and your partner's health at risk.


Pick up the phone.


Find a therapist.



Take care.



Get IC and confess to your BF.

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I've been in a 4 year relationship and have ****ed around with two people in the last about 4 months. one i was constantly seeing for a month or so. and the other i met up with the other night. idk what has gotten into me i don't know why I'm doing this.i want to tell my partner but they will be absolutely heart broken. I'm scared


I dispute the bolded bit.

Unless you were being forced and coerced into doing this, like it or not - you definitely have a reason behind your actions.


As soon as you begin to acknowledge the motivation, you will begin to see a solution.


It may not be the solution you'd like, and it most certainly will not be an easy ride - but admitting the foundation of your actions will be a positive step towards progress.

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You're doing it because something makes you want to.


Follow Satu's advice and find the reason why. In the meantime leave the relationship and tell them the truth because they deserve to know.

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I agree with the others. You're unhappy in some way. And if you don't figure what that is and how to fix it, you're doomed to keep making the same mistakes.

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I've been in a 4 year relationship and have ****ed around with two people in the last about 4 months. one i was constantly seeing for a month or so. and the other i met up with the other night. idk what has gotten into me i don't know why I'm doing this.i want to tell my partner but they will be absolutely heart broken. I'm scared


You are doing it because you want to. It is really that simple. You like the feeling of other men inside you (I'm assuming you are a straight female, but it doesn't really matter) and like the other posters have been telling you, you are going to keep on doing this until you find out why - what happened 4 months ago to make you so unhappy? Whatever it was, you really need to tell your partner so he can decide if he wants to stick with you , or get STD tests at the very least. More than likely, you have cashiered your present relationship. From here on it is all about improving yourself so you do not make the same mistakes again...

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Scared to come clean, but not scared enough not to cheat...classic. You've got to do some soul searching to figure out why you did this.

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Simple...imagine if it was your partner doing this to you.


If he was slinking off and having passionate sex with another woman. Imagine her naked body grinding up against your partner's. Imagine her hands roaming all over his chest and bum and him passionately kissing her lips and neck. Imagine them both thinking how horny and naughty it is that you don't know...that it is their hot little secret...and that this gets them off. Imagine them both knowing deep down that this is hotter than anything you have ever experienced with him. Imagine her bad mouthing you to him and giggling to herself that you are clueless.


Imagine all of this and see how you feel.


You should tell your partner.

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You are too afraid to admit your relationship has run it's course. All you have left is attachment. You fear of the unknown, and fear of being alone, fear of hurting them, that's why you can't bring yourself to end it. Cheating isn't your answer. Whether you come clean or not is up to you, but it should be time to breakup with your partner.

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Men cheat because they have an erection.


Women cheat because................


They can. ;)

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