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I feel like I was raped or at least violated by my ex.


One time I had taken some cold medicine, since I was sick. I was out cold. What woke me up? My bf at the time, penetrating me. No forewarning, no kisses to wake me up.


I just feel so dirty after this. I had no say. I questioned him about it after the fact...he gas lighted it and said I wanted it.


I hate him, truly hate him.

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Yes it s rape in the UK anyway.


Lack of consent may be demonstrated by:


Evidence that by reason of drink, drugs, sleep, age or mental disability the complainant was unaware of what was occurring and/ or incapable of giving valid consent;

CPS Legal Guidance

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I feel like I was raped or at least violated by my ex.


One time I had taken some cold medicine, since I was sick. I was out cold. What woke me up? My bf at the time, penetrating me. No forewarning, no kisses to wake me up.


I just feel so dirty after this. I had no say. I questioned him about it after the fact...he gas lighted it and said I wanted it.


I hate him, truly hate him.


If you don't consent it is rape.

you were out cold because of your meds..

this guy sounds like a creep, why are you still with him?

Rape isn't only strange guys..it can be your friend, your boyfriend..husband.

Sounds like he has no respect for you and doesn't cares about your wishes, needs.

Be careful.

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If you don't consent it is rape.

you were out cold because of your meds..

this guy sounds like a creep, why are you still with him?

Rape isn't only strange guys..it can be your friend, your boyfriend..husband.

Sounds like he has no respect for you and doesn't cares about your wishes, needs.

Be careful.


Thank you for the reply. Oh I'm not with him any longer, we broke up about 2 months ago.


I feel like I am suffering from PTSD. Keep reliving this moment in my mind.


I have no contact with the ex. He was given a court mandated restraing order. He pled guilty to harassing me. They gave him 2 yrs probation, monitored sobriety, domestic violence classes, and 94 hours community service.

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Sounds like you had a lot of problems with this guy and I'm glad you got rid of him. Perhaps you should consider some counselling for yourself to help you process the trauma you have experienced.

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I am definitely going to need some counseling. 2 of my aunts reached out because they have been worried about me. It was great to talk to them. After talking to one of my Aunts earlier in the day, I got the strength to bring this up to my parents.


I was not happy with either of their reactions. My Dad said "I will call you back later". My Mom said "I don't even know what to say to you". The 2 most important people in my life, had nothing to say.

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