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Ex wife cheated on her bf with me. Do I tell?

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You owe this guy nothing.


You owe your ex-wife nothing.


You owe it to yourself to make a new life, without all this drama.


So just walk away from all this and go NC with your ex-wife and her situation. Didn't you have enough drama when you were married to her?


You'll never find a meaningful relationship with a nice, reliable girl while you're still hooked up with all this stuff.


Please, please, do yourself a big favour and move on.

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He responded that he questioned my motives. Said I was either a nice guy who saw a guy getting screwed over, or someone trying to drive a wedge between two people.


He is right.


Which are you?


If you are the guy that doesn't want to see another guy get treated the way she treated you then tell him and he can be fully informed.


If you are the guy who is not over her then in reality you are just driving a wedge.


Either way you need to butt out of her life. She can't make the decision so make it for her and leave for good.

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You've given him the truth and knowledge is power. It's for him to decide what he does with that. Considering he's already had one cheating wife.. I'd have thought he'd definetly consider it right that you told him.


So worry not about you feeling better... knowing you have enabled him to do what he needs to.


Just go total NC with your Ex.....some people are incapable of monogamy or learning from previous poor choices.

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