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After six months...


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After six months of losing a woman I so deeply love, I was given an opportunity of spending time with her again. This was yesterday and for a couple of hours. We sat by our river and talked like old times. You see, I lost her because of another woman. I did it once and I know that's enough. I never denied it when confronted and I hated myself for what I did to her. It stemmed from my emotional insecurities in our relationship and not because I didn't love her. If that's hard to believe, it's because I can't tell you on why I felt like that. Too personal...


...when I dropped her off, my emotions got the better of me and I started to cry on her. Telling her how much she means to me and how sorry I am. She forgave me a long time ago, but hasn't said much in regards to me. I have given her the space she needed and the respect as well. I haven't inconveniened her life whatsoever and she appreciated that.


She told me that she had a great time with me yesterday. She gave me a lot of kisses with a five minute hug. Well, she called me this morning to ask me how I was because


of her concern for me (the crying). I didn't know how to take that. I hope she doesn't think I'm losing it or something. What does that mean? Anyway, she said she wants to talk to me tonight. I need advice on what to say to her...after yesterday...what can I say to her to not only make her realize that I'm in love with her, but at the same time not make her feel pressured or cornered. What kind of conversation should I give her??

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After six months of losing a woman I so deeply love, I was given an opportunity of spending time with her again. This was yesterday and for a couple of hours. We sat by our river and talked like old times. You see, I lost her because of another woman. I did it once and I know that's enough. I never denied it when confronted and I hated myself for what I did to her. It stemmed from my emotional insecurities in our relationship and not because I didn't love her. If that's hard to believe, it's because I can't tell you on why I felt like that. Too personal... ...when I dropped her off, my emotions got the better of me and I started to cry on her. Telling her how much she means to me and how sorry I am. She forgave me a long time ago, but hasn't said much in regards to me. I have given her the space she needed and the respect as well. I haven't inconveniened her life whatsoever and she appreciated that. She told me that she had a great time with me yesterday. She gave me a lot of kisses with a five minute hug. Well, she called me this morning to ask me how I was because of her concern for me (the crying). I didn't know how to take that. I hope she doesn't think I'm losing it or something. What does that mean? Anyway, she said she wants to talk to me tonight. I need advice on what to say to her...after yesterday...what can I say to her to not only make her realize that I'm in love with her, but at the same time not make her feel pressured or cornered. What kind of conversation should I give her?? i was with a guy who cheated on me and i don't mean to sound harsh, but i never want to get back together with him. i would never trust him again and would never respect myself. my ex cried and pleaded and i was worried for his mental well being - called and asked him if he was ok, etc. but i didn't want to continue the relationship. have you done anything to prove to this woman that you won't behave this way again? maybe if you went to relationship counseling that would show her that you are serious about making improvements. it's hard to take someone seriously when they have hurt you and then seem to think that appologies and promises are enough to resume the relationship - everyone's sorry after they get what they want! you need to offer up something tangible as an trust offering - that was something MY ex didn't want to do. he wanted to appologize and have me forgive him and resume life as usual. simple, huh? i don't know if your ex has any intention of resuming a relationship with you, but if you're serious then you should, in my opinion have something to offer her besides promises - it would have gone a long way with me.
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What is something tangible?? FYI , I didn't go out of my way to cheat. I allowed something to start with someone and ended it right away. I never completed the act, but I understand that it was enough. I just want to make it happen again. Honestly, I would do anything... I deserve a second chance...it's never too late. I love this woman with all my heart. What can I say??

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After six months of losing a woman I so deeply love, I was given an opportunity of spending time with her again. This was yesterday and for a couple of hours. We sat by our river and talked like old times. You see, I lost her because of another woman. I did it once and I know that's enough. I never denied it when confronted and I hated myself for what I did to her. It stemmed from my emotional insecurities in our relationship and not because I didn't love her. If that's hard to believe, it's because I can't tell you on why I felt like that. Too personal... ...when I dropped her off, my emotions got the better of me and I started to cry on her. Telling her how much she means to me and how sorry I am. She forgave me a long time ago, but hasn't said much in regards to me. I have given her the space she needed and the respect as well. I haven't inconveniened her life whatsoever and she appreciated that. She told me that she had a great time with me yesterday. She gave me a lot of kisses with a five minute hug. Well, she called me this morning to ask me how I was because of her concern for me (the crying). I didn't know how to take that. I hope she doesn't think I'm losing it or something. What does that mean? Anyway, she said she wants to talk to me tonight. I need advice on what to say to her...after yesterday...what can I say to her to not only make her realize that I'm in love with her, but at the same time not make her feel pressured or cornered. What kind of conversation should I give her??
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