freebird31 Posted March 28, 2016 Share Posted March 28, 2016 I had to post this as a thread because I wanted to share my positive vibes with everyone here! I had to post about this sudden surge of inspiration and faith that i feel right now. I have never really realized my full potential...until NOW. I suddenly just feel really inspired and i have been feeling this way for quite a few days now. There are just so many things I want to accomplish. I want to reach my fullest potential. I want to get into grad school (I am 24 already). I want to get a new job. I want to commit to fitness. I want to commit to weightlifting as well as running. And I want to run my first half-marathon this year. And my first marathon next year. I really love fitness. I do. But I have not really committed to it at all because of other obligations (class, work, most recently i got a puppy and i am a full-time fur mom). I want to get a new car! I want to become really fit and healthy. This entire past year after I graduated from college, I felt really discouraged, lost, confused, unmotivated. I really had NO idea what I wanted to do with my degree. Where to go from there. I just completely lost focus. I even fell into a little bit of a downward spiral. But now, I have a plan! I have been volunteering in the field I was interested in, and I realized THIS IS IT. I see myself doing this for the rest of my life. And I am ready to commit to doing the work into getting into the program which is highly competitive. It sucks because I am already 24, and I am a little behind. But I still have time on my side. In the mean time i can mature some more, learn new things and grow. I know this is the COPING section. So let me tie this into how I am coping. Seeing that my ex-boyfriend, young man that i was crazy for and loved, has moved on and has a girlfriend..This really added to the downward spiral. I always questioned myself. Even made comparisons of myself to his new girfriend, who is older than me (27). This shook my confidence. The breakup aready hurt my ego, but seeing this new chick he dated really made me ask "whats wrong with me?" why couldnt he love me? Something must be wrong with me. But recently, i just got this surge of inspiration. I feel like this IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF MY LIFE. I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO LOOK FORWARD TO AHEAD OF ME. and thats all in caps, because i say that with SO MUCH confidence and faith. Honestly getting a little bit teary-eyed writing that. I have so many goals, so many dreams, so much to accomplish. This is just the beginning for me! ITS TIME. It is time that I start working on my goals and make my dreams a reality. Now that i have a plan and have clear-set goals, have an idea of where I want to go in life, what i want to accomplish, and who I want to become, I feel so much better about who I am. And it just makes it that much easier to act like the past is irrelevant to me. My ex truly lost out on a good woman. On somoene who would have loved him unconditionally and passionately. But you know what. He did me a favor. Because now I can focus on the most important person in my life: ME!! It's time I take charge of my life, take action! and accomplish goals that I know I would take pride in. It's TIME! And i dont think I have ever felt so happy and inspired before. I really needed that time all those years after we broke up (3 years to be exact) to heal. Now that its been that long, its time for me to grow up. And just be happy. Just do what makes me incredibly happy and proud of myself. I have SO much potential. And i see so many other people accomplishing things. And i always think, "how do they do that?" ANYONE can do anything, if you want it bad enough. I am so ready to reach my full potential. I just have to keep myself inspired, and drink lots of coffee. lol I feel really confident in my future. And if its one thing I have always heard is that if you have CONFIDENCE it will SHINE through your personality. I dont need my ex to be happy. The scar of rejection will always hurt me. Maybe deep down that is what is really driving me. Being rejected and needing to prove to myself all that I can be. Well hell, I dont care whats driving me. I want to reach all of my goals for me. Its just time I promise you guys that it gets A LOT better. And I cant even imagine what good things are in store for the future. If you're in the beginning stages of a breakup, all I can say is take it day by day. Its been about 3 years for me a hell of a 3 years. I still carry the scars. But I also feel like its what pushes me and motivates me. And you know what, I do wish things could have ended on better terms. But who knows, maybe I wouldnt be where I am at today if it ended differently. Im proud of how far I have come. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Rachel39 Posted March 28, 2016 Share Posted March 28, 2016 That's very inspirational and amazing that your feeling so positive Link to post Share on other sites
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