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How to live w/ mistakes

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Hi everyone, I want to know how do you live with a mistake that you've made, and lnowing you'll probably never be able to fix it. The reason for this is that last year I made a mistake which lead to a bad fall out with some friends who I really cared about. I've thought about it daily every since with guilt on my head, I've never felt guilty for anything in my life but this situation has been beating me down ever since. I've tried to reach out and apologize to all parties, and only one has some what been receptive, but I know our friendship has defiantly went the other direction.


Anyways I just wanted to get this out and vent, thanks in advance for responding :)

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Write every single detail down - everything - including your remorse, how you feel about each person, and everything you can think of. Do it by hand, on a pad. Leave nothing out.


Then put it in a biscuit tin, take it into the garden and ceremonially burn it.


Go indoors, and take a shower. Scrub yourself vigorously, top to bottom, and all the while you do, visualise this wrongdoing being washed away down the drain.


Hand-write a completely selfless letter of apology to each individual person, with no rancour or accusation, but detailing your regret, remorse and apology, and hand-deliver it to each one.


Do not expect answers, do not expect forgiveness.

But the gesture alone should relieve you of the burden.


THis helped me when the time came to effect a significant change in my life.

it was enormously cleansing.

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Write every single detail down - everything - including your remorse, how you feel about each person, and everything you can think of. Do it by hand, on a pad. Leave nothing out.


Then put it in a biscuit tin, take it into the garden and ceremonially burn it.


Go indoors, and take a shower. Scrub yourself vigorously, top to bottom, and all the while you do, visualise this wrongdoing being washed away down the drain.


Hand-write a completely selfless letter of apology to each individual person, with no rancour or accusation, but detailing your regret, remorse and apology, and hand-deliver it to each one.


Do not expect answers, do not expect forgiveness.

But the gesture alone should relieve you of the burden.


THis helped me when the time came to effect a significant change in my life.

it was enormously cleansing.


Superb advice because once you have written those letters you will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You cant fix the past but you can do your best to make peace with it.

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