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so I got this co-worker...

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Hello everyone! This post is a problem I'm having and after Google led me to this site I registered here specifically to get advice on this problem. So yes, as the subject explained, I've got this co-worker, and there has been sexual tension between us now for about 3 months! Our history together is far too long and complicated to outline all the details here, but basically it has become clear that as long as we work together, there will always be sexual tension between us. Don't get me wrong I don't want the tension to go away, and I don't see either of us leaving the job anytime soon, what I want is her! It may have started out as simple sexual attraction, but the longer it goes on, the more I talk to her, the better I get to know her, every time I picture her smiling face with her long brown hair and brown eyes, with each rising tide of desire, it brings up more and more emotional attachment, it has without a doubt gone beyone a mere passing fancy or a childish crush, I mean I'm really starting to like this girl, and other girls are starting to interest me less now because they are not her. Like tonight for example, this girl at I met at a party last weekend asked me to meet up with her tonight at this party of sorts, but obviously, I'm not there, I'm here trying to get advice on what to do about my co-worker.


So I thought all was lost until last weekend, it was her birthday, and she made a comment to me about us hooking up for her birthday, you'd have to know her to understand, she's like that she'll say really outrageous things in a passing and matter of fact fashion. Like the one time I asked her what she did last night and she told me "Not much, just went home, masturbated, and went to sleep" Can't imagine the things she'd say in bed, wow! But anyways, even with this knowledge that she wanted to make out with me to celebrate her birthday, I was still unable to capitalize on the situation. And although we didn't hook up this weekend, it was a big reminder "hello, theres still something here!" I'm very shy when it comes to girls, even if I do know the attraction is mutual, which is totally lame because I'm becoming quite outgoing in almost any other situation. So there's the situation more or less. Now the big problem is she's going out of town and I'm not gonna see her for 2 1/2 weeks! O woe is me!


So what should I do when I see her again? Should I be like "I gotta ask you a question real quick, follow me" Then lead her to somewhere we can get a second of privacy and kiss her? Or should I just come at her with a question like "do you like me?" We've been on dates before, and it did no good, so simply asking her out is not gonna work. Any other ideas? Ladies? Right now I tend to think that the first option is good because it is very forward, and it will surprise her and hopefully leave her feeling "swept off her feet". I'm not too stoked about the second idea because I've taken that route before and all it does is put her on the spot, take all the mystery out of the situation, kill the sexual tension, and in turn end the attraction.


So there ya go thanks in advance for the help :)

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Ok now, I have the EXACT same situation as yours and the only difference is that I and my crush are married to other people!!! But the story rings a bell!!! When I was reading your thread at first I was thinking that you were him "crush" !!!!! Yikes!


But I think that he is losing interest in me becasue of my paranoia and because I have a small noticable "roll" in my tummy and I am too shy and it rubs off on others .... they sense it I am sure!


But if you're sure that she is interested in you and if you're sure that neither one of you is with someone then I'd say go for it! If I wasn't married and if "crush" wasn't married, I would've done it to him loooooong ago! and my situation has also been going on for about 3 or 4 months and it is also a co-worker of mine, and there is also (was) sexual tension between us! we used to email each other but then there was this discussion of a dream and we haven't emailed each other since! I think he's scared!


But I say go for it!!!!! You sound young and you should go for it!

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