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I don't know if this guy wants me or not???

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Hi everyone, I am new here and not sure if I will register depending on the feedback I get. OK, so there is this guy that I see at the gym, I am not a member but I go there occasionally to check things for my job. A few months ago I noticed that he was paying attention to me. He would stare at me and have a large smile every time I entered the building. Just recently I noticed that he is really staring, especially from afar. There was a moment when I gave him a very seductive look and he returned the gaze and smiled. The next day he asked me if I wanted to join the Health Club. I said I wasn't sure yet and he said that I should contact him if I need to join. He said he would be happy to show me what to do and show me everything! He always shows up in places that I am and his friends say hi to me. I am not sure and I want to ask him out. How should I do that? I have his email but not sure if he would think that I am desperate???


So, every time after that he would keep bugging me to join and finally I told him ok.


So today was my first session with him. It seemed very weird. I think he knows how I feel for him but I am not sure how he feels for me? He showed me what to do and I felt so dumb and was very shy and I think I was acting like a kid. I am 26. Now, I think that he isn't interested in me anymore. Does he sound like he's interested? I feel so insecure now with how I was acting please help!

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Well based on what you've said (and I could be wrong) it's possible he was smiling a lot this, that, the other trying to get you to join the gym :confused:


He has every opportunity IMO to ask you out if he's interested in doing so.. obviously he wasn't shy about asking you to join the gym.. so IMO (again) If he's interested in more than your membership fee to the gym he will ask you out...

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Originally posted by Merin

Well based on what you've said (and I could be wrong) it's possible he was smiling a lot this, that, the other trying to get you to join the gym :confused:


This was my very first thought as well. Unless there is more to this, he just got a great commission.

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Thats his *job* if he is a Personal Trainer is to get YOU to join or have him be your trainer. The smile is the inticement. If you give him your home phone number and he calls you and directly asks you out, then you are onto something,


But if he does not call you, he just made some commission on the sale.

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The best solution to any problem is often the simplest. Ockham's Razor. Tell this man how you feel, and ask him how he feels. Do not speculate; it will only add further confusion to your situation. It is better to seek the truth than to wonder. Tell him that you are interested, and that if he is interested you would like to pursue something. I wish you the best of luck. It sounds as though a definitive answer would be best for you, so I hope that you will try to get one.

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Originally posted by sexylillady

So, every time after that he would keep bugging me to join and finally I told him ok.


After all these months, he's never attempted to engage in any kind of personal conversation with you?...like trying to find out more about you, or asking if you have a b/f???


Sounds like he was just doing his job, nothing more.

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