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Jealous of an older woman

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How likely is it for a 24 year old male to be in a serious relationship with an older women maybe in her early or mid 30's? And for it to actually work out? She has two kids, they aren't his. He still lives at home, is a huge tool, sleeps around. I don't know if any of that matters but I just can't understand a women wanting to be with someone like that at this point in her life. Why would he think an older more mature woman would put up with that sh*t, unless he doesn't act like that to her...

All I know is that she was his boss a few years ago and they started hanging out/hooking up. I don't think they ever officially were bf/gf but both wanted to be is what I heard.


I recently found out that when him and I started talking a few months back and went on a few dates, they may have been in contact again. Not sure why he would've pursued me at all, but eventually he stopped.

Him and I had a ONS one drunken night recently and I know it won't work out between us, but I feel like I am jealous of this other women for some reason and I can't stop thinking about it. I think he was really into her for more than sex and with me it was all a game. I got used and it sucks but I'm friends with his sister so that makes it harder to get over, and I still think about him a lot.

He isn't friends with her on social media anymore that I noticed, but they still have mutual friends. He deleted me on snapchat but not other social medias atm...


Are guys like this just attracted to the maturity and stability of an older woman? She has a job and a family so he thinks he can just jump right into the picture?





What's your take on younger men with older/more mature women and the chances of that actually working out? For example say a 24 year old guy who sleeps around a lot, lives a home, and is a tool. And a mother of two in her early to mid 30s...



P.S I'm not trying to bash the older woman at all! Also I realize mid 30's isn't that old..

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Living at home and being a tool doesn't usually square with sexual success, but in her case I'd guess he's just a boy-toy to her. Career woman w/family and responsibilities + living at home tool doesn't exact shout out long term partnership prospects, no matter what he might hope.

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You are comparing a mutual non committed arrangement to a serious committed relationship. I'm not understanding why. It's obvious he is only in it for the sex, not commitment...not to anyone, not her, not you or anyone else. If he is shackin up with her again, obviously she provides good sex for him to wanting to keep going back. He's a guy...if the sex is amazing, he's gonna go back. If there were some serious feelings for her, he wouldn't be going around having sex with other people like yourself.

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