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Snapchat a bad thing?

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I noticed my gf had been Snapchatting her ex when she had told me she'd deleted him.

When I asked her she just said because I have.

I want to get along for the sake of the kid..am I reading too much into it?


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I noticed my gf had been Snapchatting her ex when she had told me she'd deleted him.

When I asked her she just said because I have.

I want to get along for the sake of the kid..am I reading too much into it?



I don't think you are overr acting. My ex who cheated on me countless times used snapchat to do so. There was a girl he'd communicate with on snapchat for about 2 years!! And he grew attached to her. And "because I have" is not a good response. Not saying she's cheating but if she said she deleted him and didn't that's a little weird.

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Well she got a new phone and asked me to set it up.

I pressed the button that opens the windows and could see his name.

She originally said ah we just send each other random stuff - before saying he was sending her snaps of her kid. Then I looked at her snapchat and could see she had sent him about 8 snaps on a night she was at the pub with her friends.

She said I was over reacting and it upset her that I had accused her of cheating?


I cant seem to get over it in my head.

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Well she got a new phone and asked me to set it up.

I pressed the button that opens the windows and could see his name.

She originally said ah we just send each other random stuff - before saying he was sending her snaps of her kid. Then I looked at her snapchat and could see she had sent him about 8 snaps on a night she was at the pub with her friends.

She said I was over reacting and it upset her that I had accused her of cheating?


I cant seem to get over it in my head.


Yeah 8 snaps that's a lot im sorry. He has her kid??

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He had him over the weekend.

Something isn't washing with me.

We always talk about people cheating and she says she doesn't understand it.

If they want to cheat just say its not working out.

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She said I have nothing to worry about and to stop being stupid about it.

But from hating the guy and not wanting to talk to him..to then snap chatting him?

Something doesn't add up.

her oven stopped working Saturday and she didn't phone me she rang him - his response was its non of my business.

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He had him over the weekend.

Something isn't washing with me.

We always talk about people cheating and she says she doesn't understand it.

If they want to cheat just say its not working out.


Yeah I think you should just be honest because her at a pub has nothing to do with the kid. And the fact that she is so defensive isn't helping

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Well when I said to her, why were you so defensive about it?

She said because I peed her off about questioning her and it made her think I don't trust her.

When I said well shes not making it easy to..you only snapchat when we aren't together and it was about the "kid" on a Friday night..


She apologized for reacting the way she did and promised me that there is nothing in it.

If she didn't want to be with me - she wouldn't book holidays for in the future.


and shes only trying to get along with her ex for the sake of the kid

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I'm of a different mind. They have a child together, of course they are going to communicate, and that's not really a bad thing in itself. What I don't understand is why they are using SnapChat, isn't that the app that deletes messages after a certain amount of time?


I'm thinking if their communications are innocent, why not use regular text? THis might serve to alleviate your misgivings.

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I'm of a different mind. They have a child together, of course they are going to communicate, and that's not really a bad thing in itself. What I don't understand is why they are using SnapChat, isn't that the app that deletes messages after a certain amount of time?


I'm thinking if their communications are innocent, why not use regular text? THis might serve to alleviate your misgivings.


Yes this is what I was thinking Snapchat is pics that delete after you view them. If it's about the child can't they text??

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Snapchat can be a cheater's paradise. I mean sending pictures and texts that disappear after 10 seconds...can't beat that.

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What concerns me is the fact that she sent the pics from a bar. What kind of bar does she go to that encourages decent women to send delete able pics of their children to their ex? The Adult Romper Room? I think this is just the tip of the iceberg. IF it were me, I would drop it with her so she gets comfortable once again, but I would be keylogging her computer. Maybe even GPSing her car, and for sure activating the 'find me' function of her phone... was she really even at a bar? This business of saying she doesn't even understand why someone would cheat sounds familiar. When I was a kid and I wanted to make my parents think I did not smoke cigarettes, I would say stuff like I don't even understand the point of smoking...etc. All the while I would be lighting up with my buds in the alley behind our houses... I think you have a problem and if you do go Secret Squirrel on her be prepared for the worst case scenario and have an exit strategy for yourself. Good Luck.

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She said I have nothing to worry about and to stop being stupid about it.

But from hating the guy and not wanting to talk to him..to then snap chatting him?

Something doesn't add up.

her oven stopped working Saturday and she didn't phone me she rang him - his response was its non of my business.


So either there's something still going on between them and she's lying to you about it or he's purposely messing with you to cause problems in your relationship with her. Tell her what you he told you (bolded).

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Yes this is what I was thinking Snapchat is pics that delete after you view them. If it's about the child can't they text??


Or email.


Listen to your gut, if you feel something is off, chances are, it is. Also, her reaction to you questioning her!! If she had nothing to hide, why is she saying to you not to act stupid? Why not calm your nerves and tell you she loves you and show you that you are the guy for her, not her ex.

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Morning everyone.ive found a way to track how many snapchats she is sending.. She isn't secretive with her phone and leaves it around n I know her pass code. I think if there is something going on..the only way im gonna find out is if I relax and chill out..people who do things they shouldn't always get caught out..I know her and she can't keep secrets..she always tells.me what shes got me for birthdays..Christmas etc..she sent him another one Sunday but she was at the cinema with her son

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She's playing you for a fool!


She has no interest in you.


I would of next her immediately. I have no patience for childish games.

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