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COMPLETELY confused by this relationship

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Ok I am in a committed yet rocky relationship. I work with a guy who I really really like and he is paying me alot of attention, and from what I think is also flirting with me. He had a long relationship with a girl, and talks about her alot, and he talks about his other "conquests" as well. Because I like him the way I do, I really don't want to hear about it all (because it makes me extremely jealous!) But, he will make a point to talk to me about it. I think he may be getting back with his ex-girlfriend, and couldn't wait to tell me. He has got tons of other friends, but seems to want to talk to me about these things. Why??? Why me?!?!?

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Maybe he feels comfortable talking to you about these things.He could have talked to his other friends as well about this subject. Maybe he just wants to get other opinions about things. Once you hint that you don't want to hear about that kind of stuff then he will know that somethings up. I woul dgo with the flow... Then if you get a chance make a move... What would it hurt... He won't expect it . What a surprise that might just be!!!

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ok ready here goes -


i say u run and run far away from anything having to do with a relationship...fwb...ANYTHING with that guy.


dont get hooked on him (and u already have)


1 - u work with him


2 - ex girlfriend fresh in the picture


3 - feelings are already getting stomped on (ur jealous)


4 - drama



i know you dont want to hear this and i know you probably (after taking it into consideration...) wont listen.

let me put it to you like this...i just quit my job at a restaurant. (friday nite) i got involved with a guy there and it started EXACTLY the way urs is sounding..and mine started over a year ago. as exciting and passionate and thrilling it was at times it ended in utter and complete heartbreak. im still wondering when the pain is gonna end and yes i did have to quit because of him. i can not face him eeryday and expect to get oever him.


ps - he is back with the ex AGAIN (its been about 4 years of on and off and misery) and this is after she walked in on me and him hooking up and a day later him with another girl. (who was another ex of his)


look for my old posts - theres a super long one that describes him and the situation well. they are from feb/marchish i think...


listen to me - do not get invovled. nothing with fresh exes in the picture is safe and ur heart is already on the table. dont do it!!! and if u do, which u probably will because we all have to learn from our own mistakes - ask me for advice because i can certainly help.


just be prepaired for the biggest emotional rollercoaster ride u can ever imagine...

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