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I am Losing Him


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Ok, I don't even know how to start this. My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and 17 days!! I am only 19 and when we met he was only 15. I was 18 at the time. We are only two years difference but....I am completely in love with him!! We have been living together for 6 months now....because his parents don't like me(they have no reason but the age). I have been questioning him about his love for me and his loyalty to me. I thought I had reason to believe that he had wandering eyes and a wandering heart....and that has brought about our final night together(last night). Don't think I am the only bad one here. He has done a lot to me also....he has called me names in the heat of a fight, he has lied to me and he even told just a few weeks ago, that he is the one who is changing, that he hasn't appreciated me for the things that I have done and that he is sorry....but when I cry and when he clearly knows that I am hurt he just turns around and sulk. He says that he wants a break and that he still wants to talk to me....and date me....but I figure I have been through enough!! I am devestated....please help!! :)

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The guy's just a young boy. As a matter of fact, if you've had sex with him you have committed a felony and are subject to arrest. Cut your losses and hope nobody squeals to the police. The statute of limitations is two years in most states. Consult your local police for details.


A young boy has a lot of growing to do. This guy has miles to travel and so very much to learn before he settles down. It sounds like you do to. We all have to go through these kinds of trials as we open the doors of love.


He's hardly mature enough to conduct a healthy relationship. Value the quality time you spent with him and move on with your life.


It sounds like it could be many years before he could make a great long term companion for anyone. If the two of you decide to try to stick it out and make it work again, you'll have a lot more hell to pay and maybe jailtime too. It's your decision.

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I hate to say this, but what you're doing is illegal in most states & countries. I know you love him, but he's just a child. You by law are considered an adult - 18 yrs of age. I'd get out of it now if I were you.


Anyway, on a relationship level. He's a kid. He's only 16/17 yrs old (very immature). He's not ready to be serious with someone for a long period of time, let alone living with someone. I'm sorry to say, but a wandering eye is normal for someone his age. He needs to date around and see what else it out there, as should you. He's already told you that he needs a break. That's his way of telling you he wants to grow and explore other options. He likes you and wants to still see you, but he wants to see what else is out there. If you're looking for long term, you're barking up the wrong tree with this boy/child. The only long-term thing you could end up seeing is a prison sentence, so be careful and get out while your ahead.

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Get along little doggie! I wouldn't expect you to understand cause you're a youngin yourself. Dating younger people usually don't work out cause of the maturity. the older people tend to want more of a relationship, a commitment, and the younger one doesn't have enough experience to want that yet. If you gave him about....7 years though, I bet you he'd be ready. But then again you still have a while before you're at the age of settling down. So go have fun. Find someone on your level and still be his friend. Good luck

Ok, I don't even know how to start this. My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and 17 days!! I am only 19 and when we met he was only 15. I was 18 at the time. We are only two years difference but....I am completely in love with him!! We have been living together for 6 months now....because his parents don't like me(they have no reason but the age). I have been questioning him about his love for me and his loyalty to me. I thought I had reason to believe that he had wandering eyes and a wandering heart....and that has brought about our final night together(last night). Don't think I am the only bad one here. He has done a lot to me also....he has called me names in the heat of a fight, he has lied to me and he even told just a few weeks ago, that he is the one who is changing, that he hasn't appreciated me for the things that I have done and that he is sorry....but when I cry and when he clearly knows that I am hurt he just turns around and sulk. He says that he wants a break and that he still wants to talk to me....and date me....but I figure I have been through enough!! I am devestated....please help!! :)
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