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ok, i have a question about seduction. my b/f and i have a great time being non-sexual. we do other stuff except have sex becasue i am a catholic and i dont believe in the premarital thing. i was jsut wondering if there was any way to have some more passion in the relationship? we are very happy with eachother and would like to have some more"adventure" in the relationship. also, do you think its okay for a couple to engage in sexual stuff(like oral, feeling up, ect)? ive heard people say that its wrong and shouldnt be done. they say its also disgusting and it ruins relationships. i was juast wondering if any one had any ideas for the first have of my post, and any advice/opinions on the second half. thanks in advance.

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I know your church is pretty strict about the sex stuff but priests and nuns have no experience, or are not supposed to have experience, in that area and are hardly qualified to render opinions on the subject. Sex is a matter entirely separate from religion in my view. I have talked to more than one priest who has said what people do in your circumstance is more of a dictate of conscience than anything else.


God gave men and women genitalia and lots of hormones to put to good use. Anything you do with your boyfriend is just fine as long as both of you consent and are not harmed in any way.


There is nothing sinful about sexual exploration between two people who have no other committments and who desire to know each other that way. If that was the case, heaven would be totally empty.


Sex is about as close to heaven as we can get here on earth, with the exception of chocolate covered almonds.


"Let he who about me is without sin cast the first stone." Meanwhile, have fun with your boyfriend and stop worrying about it. And eat lots of chocolate covered almonds.

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I don't think it's sick and wrong to have foreplay and "adventures" but if the reason why you're doing those things is cause you're catholic and can't have sex before marriage, you've already bit the dust. What do you think the religion says no premarital excursions. Seems like to me they're saying no fooling around till you're married. Like keeping yourself pure. Make sense? But if you still plan on "chaeating the system" then why not do things in defferent places or hot tub or get one of those foreplay games. Or just go ahead and have sex, obviously foreplay isn't enough already.

ok, i have a question about seduction. my b/f and i have a great time being non-sexual. we do other stuff except have sex becasue i am a catholic and i dont believe in the premarital thing. i was jsut wondering if there was any way to have some more passion in the relationship? we are very happy with eachother and would like to have some more"adventure" in the relationship. also, do you think its okay for a couple to engage in sexual stuff(like oral, feeling up, ect)? ive heard people say that its wrong and shouldnt be done. they say its also disgusting and it ruins relationships. i was juast wondering if any one had any ideas for the first have of my post, and any advice/opinions on the second half. thanks in advance.
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