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Why am I so fixated on this?


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My mind seems to be too fixated on finding a partner. At the moment I seem to be missing my ex but if I analyze it I can tell that what I am missing is having a companion not necessarily that specific person.


But my thoughts are occupied by this way too much. And it boggles me because it is not as though I have nothing to do. I have full time work in the field I want to be in. My career is going the direction I want it to go. I have good friends (though I could use more). I volunteer on the weekends, hang out with friends, keep myself occupied. I regularly go the gym. Just recently I have started pursuing my masters.


Regardless of all that I have a feeling of a void. And I can't figure out why. It evokes a feeling of helplessness. I can try to do more things to occupy my time but I feel as though I am just masking the true problem. What that true problem is I am not sure.


Any insight regarding this is welcome!

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I feel the same way. I hate it when people say to "be happy with yourself" or "keep busy". You clearly are busy, but yeah, there's nothing better than love and companionship. I am the same and have accepted that it is normal to want a man in my life or longing for love. I'm feel that void too. It does suck because you can't just make it happen, which is why most people say to be okay with yourself.

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Yeah I agree. I think maybe that is where I am having difficulty. Accepting that it is okay to either long for a companion or not having one.


So the being okay with yourself part is a little troublesome. I want a companion but I don't want to want a companion and those two things conflict with each other. So sometimes I say to myself, it okay to not have one and then I wonder if I am saying this to make excuse for the fact that I can't find one right now.


Sometimes the emotions and thoughts are stable and sometimes they are a whirlwind.

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Love is a powerful drug. Once you get a taste of it, your mind craves it. The feeling of being wanted, being with someone. You get the picture.


Even when someone dumps you, have you noticed the mind only remembers the good things in a relationship and not so much the bad? It's crazy.

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I know the feeling,especially after getting out of an abusive relationship. I try to fill the void but sometimes it seems like I'll be single forever...but you know what gets me through it? Silly as it sounds, the observation of people. Look on the forums for example when you become discouraged, look how many of us want the same thing, male and female. Our end goal is to find that love to fill our void, to be cared about. If there are so many of us wanting the same thing, the odds are in our favor in the real world. There are people out there that feel just like we do but simply don't share it because they may not know how.


I hope this gave you some insight because it's true, and chances are you will find the right person. TRUST ME.

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