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Made progress, creating awkward situation

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Lets start with the good news: If anyone here remembers me when I was new here, I could almost not tell at all when I was being flirted with. Luckily, with this forum, the book dating for dummies, and help all over the net, I've been able to identify it fairly well. Turns out, when I'm out in public (whether it be the store, out on the street, etc) or at work, and make the effort to look confidant, I notice a lot of women, even passer-bys being flirtation (look me up and down, look me in the eye and then smile). I actually, to my pleasant surprise probably get flirted with, but this has led to a strange problem.


Usually, I return the look with a smile or other acknowledgement. However, some of the 'women' who do this seem to be young girls. I feel like ignoring their behaviour and looking away seems rude, but returning glances like I usually do, even though I have zero intentions, makes me feel somewhere between a mild pervert and a pedophile. I'm told I look 18-20, and some of these girls might be older than they look, but what should I do when this happens? Am I weird for thinking of my self in such a negative way when young girls look at me like this? Is there something wrong with me, with society, or is it just common for people to notice teens flirting with them and therefore its just become 'acceptable' to react in some way?


edit: please tell me the socially acceptable way to react to being flirted with in these situations.

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Space Ritual

Just whip it out and follow them...you'll get the answers you seek in fairly short order if not by them but by the police...lol



I was kidding..lol


Best to just give em a short smile and return to what you were doing. Girls are just as straightforward as guys are so if they are really interested they will let you know.

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