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Girlfriend acts sooooo crazy

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OP, this is so ridiculous. I also had trouble reading this!


You either teach people to treat you with dignity or respect or you don't! This means that you are partially responsible for her treatment towards you.


The worst thing you can do is make a lot of noise about changing things only to revert to your old ways.....


Quite frankly I would walk away....


I know a woman who refused to visit her MIL unless her husband bought her things....that is to say one visit cost him a Louis Vuitton purse. Yup she was or rather is another spoiled brat raised with a sense of entitlement. This is your future.

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Darren Steez
Yeah well if she meant nothing to me I'd leave her. I love her


Then enjoy a life of hell..because you're about the only man who would put up with her stuff.


You're a grown man, if love and sex makes it ok for a person to treat you like that, then you really can't complain when she keeps handing you your tail.

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- she wants EVERYTHING her way.


- She is a such a spoiled brat.


- I just brushed off her questions.


-She started sending me text messages saying I don't respect her or treat her good and that she hates me for the way I treat her.


- She called me a "dumbass"


-I responded with "what???? Omg you're an idiot".


-She immediately starts texting me saying she hates me and that I'm an ******* and she'll never speak to me again. She told me to **** off.


-I said to her to stop texting me because she isn't worth my time.


- she said she hopes I DIE


-I told her "u just piss me off"




She might be 'starting it.' But I bet according to her you start it too.


And you BOTH engage in it. You both insult each other and act contemptual to each other and judge each other's characters.


She might even be 80% of it. But you BOTH have issues here.


You are participating in some pretty stinky behaviour too.


I think you've both verbally abused one another enough to see that you are caught in a cycle. That has VERY little to do with being "spoiled" and more to with with hurting someone else. Time for a breakup. And figuring out how to handle conflict without being aggressive or defensive.


If you aren't willing to break up, it's time to read about verbal abuse and setting proper boundaries.


Living with conflict that's this personally aimed at your very self is no way to live.

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You guys I really don't want to leave her. I love her so much. I feel that she knows I love her and she might play on that


Why do you love her? What do you love about her exactly?


Sounds like codependency to me.

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You guys I really don't want to leave her. I love her so much. I feel that she knows I love her and she might play on that


Then you only have yourself to blame. Don't complain about being treated like ***** if you choose to be with someone like this.

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I doubt its all her ! You seem to be using her past being cheated on as a reason to call her crazy. Its not her fault that she was cheated on. Stop using it against her.

Let her go and find someone more empathetic.

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I'm shocked you want to stick with this disrespectful girl, if you said the things she says to you I bet she will leave you in a heartbeat. Sounds like a bit of a toxic relationship. And what exactly is she doing to change and help herself? I think you need to have a heart to heart with her about how you feel, you both need to stop the name calling and cussing at each other and communicate. I suggest she goes to therepy and maybe medication to sort out her anger problem. Good luck!

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