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I am hurt and confused

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I am in 12th grade ..

I have know this girl for past 3 years she used to be very flirty with me and tried to give me all her attention.. But I saw her just as a friend ( what dumbass I am ) she lived in my colony but moved out a year later.. Nearby..

She stopped everything with me, I didn’t notice..

a few months back during new year eve (2015) she came looking hot.. She glanced at me quite a few times so I went and said hi, her friends kept on giggling so I got creeped out.. And said i’ll talk later..later that night when I went home after the party we texted all night sending funny pictures of each other ..and also said her friends find me cute..

I said even my friends find you hot..

Later we both got busy in finals..

after the finals during the bus ride (she goes in the same bus as I do for school)i tried to give her a big hint like when I was sitting beside her we were poking each other , so I by mistake (tried to make it look that way ) held her hand and looked in front.. she stared at me and didn't move her hand away ... soon our friends brought a topic to us and we both pulled our hands away..

Now there is this guy (friend) in the bus everyone keeps teasing both of them to be gf and bf tho they don’t accept it and the guy tries to ignore her .. She gives him all the attention when I am around…she is the kind of girl that wants all the attention she can get..

yesterday a msg popped up it was her.. We talked and I asked her out,she played along but later said she thought I was joking..

I said now its awkward , she said sorry quite a few times I said its midnight gtg sleep, bye..


what should I do is she interested?.. or just playing mind games?.. cuz I am hurt bad and maybe she will tell others about it and make fun of me..

Edited by tomboi
missed out words
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Infatuation & relationships at 17-18 are tough because it's uncharted territory.



So far your flirting has been typical playground stuff . . . physical contact (the poking on the bus) disguised to be something else. It can be tough to tell when a boy is serious under those circumstances.



Do understand that when her friends giggle around you that is a very GOOD sign. It means they like you for her but are nervous. School girls do that.



Keep chatting with her & staying in contact but the next time you see her in person, look her in the eyes & tell her you were serious about wanting to take her on a date. Have something planned & get her to agree right then & there.



Good luck.

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****Be persistent and ask her out again.


I can't blame her for not believing you since you diss'd her from before when she was crushin on you. Let her know you are being serious.

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