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I think at this point, you should just break up with him.


It feels that this long, especially with numerous apologies (hopefully they weren't excuses, but genuine apologies) he's just being a complete tool. It's one thing to be upset, another to saying "you just piss me off". That in itself is very telling of a resentful relationship. He's resentful and you can't fix that.


Just block him if you're in that position and go NC. He's silent treated you, show him how a boss does it. Or just tell him it's over then go NC.


Yeah I'm about to send him a text letting him know that I've apologized enough and that im done and I'll just block him.

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The guy is questioning if he really wants a relationship with you. My ex was very apologetic too but I just needed my space after that. It made me sick and was just another incident among many where I felt disrespected.


The f'er ended up cooking and eating the pork roast. I never had any of it even though I was the one who bought it. Sooooo glad he's history.

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