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A girl I dated and had strong sexual chemistry with for 6 months cheated on her new boyfriend with me one night(I know, I know douche move but it was all to prove a point). Hear me out. They had been a serious couple for only a month exactly until she cheated with me. In between that time she would constantly text me behind his back, saying she missed me, talked about him and being sexual at times. I told her the moment she decided to be with him that I was going to stay out of their way. Yet she continued to initiate contact with me first ALWAYS. I kept it short and some times I didn't respond, but the more I ignored the more she persisted. She is with the guy because he gives her stability and she is fearful of being alone and feels pressure from outside sources to be in a relationship. With me I take things slow and was willing to be with her when the time was right. Basically I have her emotionally(heart) and he has her mentally (stability, what he can do for her). I digressed a bit but back to the story. One night she went behind his back to see me. I would in any case say "no" but I was trying to prove a point that she was with that other guy for all the wrong reasons and that's what she thinks she wants in her head. We hung out and drank a little and she told me that she wished I would have made my mind up to be with her so she wouldn't be in the mess she's in(with someone else but not over me) and how much she misses me. The night ended with us having sex in the back of my car and that she did not feel bad doing it. Point proven!


A week goes by and she is still contacting me every night because she is "bored". Then one night we get into a conversation of how she's only kidding herself being with the other guy. She agreed that she liked me more but her boyfriend is right for her at the moment. She even jokingly compared the situation to "The Notebook". Also in that conversation we joked about the night we had sex. The next day I went to her house to just hang out for a couple of hours and that's all we did. As I was leaving she mentioned in her text to her bf that she had a "homeboy" over, he got skeptical and an argument between the two happened. Later on that day she called me and said they had an argument and she didn't like the fact that he was so insecure and jealous. I cut the conversation short and told her that's her problem she need to fix without me.


Two days later she calls me saying "I can't talk to you anymore". What had happened was her bf conscience got the best of him and he took her phone and computer and saw she had cheated on him. He saw the text we exchanged and he blew my phone up but I did not answer. Not my problem. Later that night I found out that she(or maybe him) had deleted me from social media. The next day I called to ask what's up and she acted like she didn't know what I was talking about and hung up the phone on me and later blocked my phone number.

That was the last I heard from her. Later I found out from a friend that the same night her bf took her phone and would not give it back and took a gun out and was talking suicidal. And that she felt bad and wanted to try to make it work with him and he took her back.


It's just funny how things happened so fast in a matter of a couple of days. She completely cut me off and I think it's funny. She is trying to make it work with a guy she doesn't even respect ( hence why she cheated on him). My deal is how will all this play out? She showed her true colors, that she isn't ready to deal with what she's currently in. Personally I would not date her anymore because she is deceptive and manipulative, just a good friend with benefits. Will their relationship last? Will she come running back? Just curious

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Who knows, sounds like an obscene amount of drama and crazy.


If you had any wits - you would run, and run fast. What do you want? Hookup with her again and have him show up at your doorstep with a gun?

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You should have been the one to block/delete/cut off right when she stepped over her relationship boundaries.

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Space Ritual
A girl I dated and had strong sexual chemistry with for 6 months cheated on her new boyfriend with me one night(I know, I know douche move but it was all to prove a point).


Point being?............drama on a massive scale. Well played, Poirot, well played.


Here is a hint: Anyone that refers to The Notebook when describing a romantic situation is someone who is gonna get your ass in a sling. Best to not even claiming to know who they are...lol


Forget about her before you get domed by this guy. I'm serious kid! No crazy town tour guide is worth waking up dead over.

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Dude, what was your point? That you could get a cheater to cheat on her boyfriend? OK...Both of you should tread very carefully. He might have been suicidal that day, but what happens if he decides to become homicidal? And the laughing and joking about cheating was pretty low. She was disrespectful to her relationship and herself for that matter. Only thing she proved was that she can't be trusted and will do whatever it takes to have her way. As a man, you should have completely backed off after finding out her situation. Imagine how you would feel if you were her boyfriend. Just remember what happens when you play with fire...

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Thank you guys for your comments. I understand I handled this situation in an immature way but my point being was if she was in a relationship with this guy, why is she still so into me? My mindset when she got with him was to stay far, far away. I should have blocked/deleted/cut contact with her from the start but I didn't. This gave her the opportunity to contact me at will. I have no problem with the girl so I left the lines open. Like I said she always initiated contact first. Maybe it was my ego involved too, showing that you have the girl but at the end of the day I have her emotionally. Now looking at the situation, I would not take her back because I'm in the front seat watching her actions. If I got with her, whose to say she wouldn't do the same thing to me. I'm just curious on what her future actions will be and what I need to watch out for?

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Maybe it was my ego involved too, showing that you have the girl but at the end of the day I have her emotionally.


Have you considered that her bf "has her" emotionally & she keeps you around to boost HER ego?

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Hell - who knows, she might have another besides you and the BF dude! Maybe she is playing you all. Maybe she likes the ego stroking.


Really, none of us are clairvoyants - why are YOU wrapped up in this, and so curious of her intentions. Are you still emotionally tied to her? Do you desire a "real" relationship with her?


Why did you two break up in the first place?

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Have you considered that her bf "has her" emotionally & she keeps you around to boost HER ego?


Possibly could be very true. But how things were looking, I thought she was playing the guy for a fool (using him). Her friends even said in all likelihood she was settling. Didn't want to waste time on someone who was unsure of her, so she took the first guy that showed interest that had something going for himself.


I did ponder the thought of trying to get her back but it's worthless. She's a liar, manipulative etc. I just like the satisfactory of saying "I told you so". By that time I probably won't even care anymore. Just a little curious that's all.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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