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Is my ex slowly trying to get back in.....in her own way?


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I really miss my ex today, saw her at the club on Thurs. eve. with her "man." She saw me I know it because my friend saw her staring at me.


I have been doing NC for 2 months, until a week ago when she started calling for an item she thought I wanted back (never said so). She was bitter and we could barely have a decent conversation.


She is in a relationship and all and I still question how much she likes him. Did you ever just have that feeling that you are still the "one" for him, like a 6th sense or something - that feeling will just not go away.


I am pretty much everything she wants now from all the changes I have made and I really like the new me. I'm sure she knows I've changed.


I haven't called her at all since she initiated - last time she called was on Tues. and it was to return my stuff (which I never asked for back). Yeah, she was bitter while returning the stuff as well.


I miss her terribly, I haven't initiated any sort of contact and neither has she since Tues. Do you think she'll call again? I want to call her, but am scared she won't talk to me or write her an email or something.


Do I have a better chance to get her back by leaving her alone again or should I try to be friends with her - I do miss her friendship terribly and would be fine w/being friends now, but would rather have her back.


I am writing this because I get the feeling she is slowly trying to open up communication between us (in her own bitter way) and I just don't want to blow a chance at a rekindled friendship between us.


If I don't do anything now, will she get pissed and never try again or do you think she'll persist at her own slow pace?

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I dont know what to tell you. i think i may have missed my rekindle time. after 3 weeks of breaking up with my ex gf, she called me, told me she still loved me, we should spend more time together, etc... well, after i heard she spent the weekend with another dude i called her the next monday and told her i didnt want to talk to her anymore. we havent spoke in 2 weeks. damn! so my advice to you is... wait until she calls, she has to be the one who wants to talk to you. feel her vibe on the phone and go with that. dont call her. she may miss you but not to the point that she will call you. if she's snappy and bitter on the phone i would say remain calm.

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I broke up with my ex 9 months ago.

We have had limited contact for that period only by email and a few phone conversations.

He was always the one the make contact first.


Only about a month ago I had to go NC.

Just the other day I had no choice but to break NC. I was in the process of closing down an email account we had together when we were in business together.


I only forwarded any email that belonged to him pertaining to the business we had.

I didnt give any reason, nor did i ask how he was doing etc. The only thing I said to him was that, I found this email sent to the wrong address and im just forwarding it to you.


Well lone and behold I get an email back from him asking me how i was doing etc and that he wanted to see me to say Hi.


Do i think there will be a second time for us.

No why because he hasnt changed and is still doing the same thing as before we broke up. So the issue at hand has not been resloved. Because of his issues,



Why all of sudden he wants to see me after not wanting to for the past nine months makes me wonder. We had a very bitter break up.


Do i think the meeting will take place the day he asked me to meet him late this coming week, well a part of says yes and a part says he is playing games with me. I did agree to meet with him, but not with hopes of getting back together more like for curisoity sake. And why all of a sudden he wants to see me after all this this time makes me wonder. I told him to contact me to confirm which was yesterday so far i havent heard from him. Will the meeting take place only time will tell.


If my ex wants to go out to dinner or get together down the road i may go.

But one thing i will not stop doing is dating other people im currently dating.


What BLF04 is telling you is good advice. I did the same thing just kept calm and waited for him to contact me. My ex on his own free will is the one who asked me to see him.


The other thing i can say is let her make the choice to see you.

Also go out and and start meeting others. One other thing i dont do is let my ex know to much of what is going on in my life. I only give him a little bit here and a little bit there.

Also understand the limited contact i have with my ex isnt always sweet we have also had are differences during that time also.


And being as how she is bitter right now contacting her and trying to get her back will only push her further away. Let some time pass.

If she contacts you be nice and leave it short and sweet.

Let her wonder what you have been doing etc.

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