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7 years a go or no go?

Texas Bill

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Howdy all,


I'm wondering if its really ok for a guy whois 22 1/2 years old to get involved with a girl who just turned 29? we can talk to each other fairly easily, we're both in the same religion, have similar interests, and she has shown interest in me several times. The funny thing is whenever i talk to her I feel some kind of strange connection it is a strange feeling almost like a crush but differant more relaxed more freindly, and a really deep feeling. I try to shut it out but its really hard. We first met almost 3 years ago. This is the main reason why I do not flirt with her much because of the age, If I was a few years older I would not hesitate to go after her, who knows maybe in a few years I will pursue, age 25-32?

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I don't think age really matters, as long as you still have similar interests & can share your lives...


however, i'd take into considerstions that since she's 29, she's probably looking for a permanent guy to settle down and maybe have kids with, etc... would that be okay with u?


it might be strange down the road when she ages before u and stuff, but all in all, i think if age is the ONLY thing that bothers u, i'd go for it


just some thoughts =) ...


good luck!

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Funny how most 22 year old girls wouldn't think twice about dating a 29 year old guy. I wonder why that is, but I think it's a good thing for you to be thinking about. You are both adults in this situation. The problem is that you are both probably at very different points in your life. You are most likely just finishing (or finished) college and about to embark on your career. (A major change from college, trust me.) She, on the other hand, has been on her own for the past 7 years. She has probably 'done' more than you have and has more life experiences under her belt.


She, at the age of 29, is probably starting to look for a serious relationship and/or marriage. (That darn biological clock starts to get to most girls as they get older...) If you think you're far away from wanting marriage, you should probably not date her. You can wait, but keep in mind that she might not be on the market three years from now.


I think if you like her, you should go for it, but keep in mind that the two of you might have different agendas at this point in your life. Seven years is seven years, no matter how old both of you are.

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