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The biggest mistake of my life yet!! :/

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I feel like the most horrible person..

I don't even knew this side of me...

I would suggest that you should read my earlier post too..


So basically I like and have a huge crush on a girl in my bus who lives close by (previous post)


I am in highschool , yesterday I received a message from a girl who I haven't talked with for a while she is a year older than me.. Like in college..

We have been trying to hangout in the evening for a week but timings didn't match..

Yesterday we both were free.. So around 6 we went for a walk around the area talking about our crush and stuff.. Bfs bla bla..


I asked her has she ever been on the rooftop of the apartments she said no..

Let's go then I said she followed me.. We reached the top and the wind blew her hair flowed in the air like a smooth silk..

She went to the corner running and looked down .. Pointing her butt right towards me..

I felt a bit turned on..a few mins later we sat between the walls.. The place is like a maze in the middle..


We started talking about our relationships (I never had one) (never kissed a girl)

I told her she didn't believe me .. We both started poking each other and one thing led to the other..

I kissed her for full 2 mins (worst kiss ever) , she said my lips were dry.. But we carried on by licking it. After about 30 mins .. I picked her and made her sit on me like she was riding my D..(we didn't have sex)

After an sometime we realised it was 8:30..we had been kissing and stuff for 2 hours..

We camne down from the roof jogged home.. She changed her direction towards her house , we bkth said bye to eachother and went home...


Today it has been killong me how could i kiss some girl , i am not into..

Tho she is super duper hot and never dates guys easily..

I didn't even think I could end up doing this..

She is shifting to a new city next month..


Should I stick to her and bang her or say sorry for what happened and go back to getting the girl I like?...


Please guys I feel horrible for doing this , is there anyway I can get my mind off her , and askout the girl in my bus who I like..


All suggestions, judgement and criticizing is highly recommended.. I don't mind at all!..

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Don't feel horrible! feel awesome that you got some!


In no way are you obligated to stay faithful to a person you are not even going out with.


I say have fun with this girl, get some experience, and yes maybe toss out your V card.


You are young, enjoy what life throws at you.

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Stop feeling bad. This girl was a willing participant in everything that happened. You didn't force her.


You enjoyed it but there is no guarantee it will happen again.


If you sincerely like her as a person, feel free to pursue her. However since she is moving shortly & all you want to do is use her / bang her, no I don't think you should pursue that.


Now that you have a sense of what making out feels like, use that bolster your confidence as you chase the girl you actually like.

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Don't feel horrible! feel awesome that you got some!


In no way are you obligated to stay faithful to a person you are not even going out with.


I say have fun with this girl, get some experience, and yes maybe toss out your V card.


You are young, enjoy what life throws at you.



She called me at her house around 9pm (night) , saying her parents weren't at home and she wanted to she me her room which she had redecorated (yeah sure xD)


I told her I can't come because I have an exam 2 days later and also my parents are not really gonna let me roam around at this hour..

She kept on forcing me then , suddenly started saying sorry and that I should study !

She said bye and told me she will not contact me again..(she still does)


So basically I was returning back after playing football in the evening, was going to a shop with my pals for juice coke whatever..

I saw her and her group went to them and started chatting , running and playing around..


Her (brother type of friend) came to me and said I was a very bad person..

I asked him does he have a problem with me, he said he does not but she does..

(the girl who I did on the roof)


She made eye contact with me but didn't say hi until her (brother type friend) told her that I am standing in front of her..


Later when everyone went home she yell out my name from quite a distance..

I went to her and asked her if she had spread about what we did she said she didn't and she was swearing!!..

I don't believe her cuz there were micro expressions on her face..


Also i think she said a lot of fake **** about me to others, mabye I don't really know..


After going home I asked her again she said her (bro type friend) just said it like that..


She said it was because she was at his house and using his phone to msg me and wasn't giving him attention so he called me a bad person...


Later she messaged me that I can come anytime at her house before evening (her dad returns from work at this time)


Is she bitching about me cuz I could feel something about her friends when I was at the shop.. Like they all hated me, I think she is insecure because I did her after meeting her in just an hour.. And said some crap **** about me , then acts normal in front of everyone..


Later my elder brother saw her message on my phone.. Said put a lock on it other people can see it.. And also stay away from her she will get me set up..


What should I do?

Cut off all contacts with her and tell her not to talk to me until she can fix this mess she has caused..


Or something else?..

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Dude, you kissed a girl.


You kissed a girl.


Kissed....a girl...


Why be sad? Be awesome instead.


You are not in a relationship.


Stop being so sensitive over this. Its a turn off for girls.

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