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Is she playing stupid or does she not care about me?

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i followed her and said hi then we happened to meet.

I felt an electric between us ( we are both electrical engineers :lmao: ).

I thought she was into me because the conversation was perfect everytime.I added her on facebook then the next day(yesterday) i went to her and said hi again and we got to talking again.

we were talking and i asked her when our exams would start ( our course schedule is the same) she said "mine will start on 3rd may with Engineering Drawing, i don't know when yours will start.Are we in the same section in engineering drawing?"



but it is not possible that she didn't see me in the laboratory.:(

we even waited for the instructor side to side in front of the class.In fact, one time we stood up when our shoulders were touching.

so there is no possibility that she didn't know my section.


So what do you guys think, is she playing the fool? Is she acting like she doesn't care about me for to seem cool,casual or she doesn't care about me?





Sorry. my main language is not english so ask me again the parts you didn't understand please.

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Space Ritual

You just met....


Don't rush to judgement, all you did was have basically one small conversation and added her on Facebook.


Maybe she just didn't really notice you before. Some people don't. It's nothing personal. I think you are going a bit fast. You may want to cool your jets. You don't want an explosion on the pad at Peenemünde before the Rocket arrives...lol.

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i followed her and said hi then we happened to meet.

I felt an electric between us ( we are both electrical engineers :lmao: ).

I thought she was into me because the conversation was perfect everytime.I added her on facebook then the next day(yesterday) i went to her and said hi again and we got to talking again.

we were talking and i asked her when our exams would start ( our course schedule is the same) she said "mine will start on 3rd may with Engineering Drawing, i don't know when yours will start.Are we in the same section in engineering drawing?"



but it is not possible that she didn't see me in the laboratory.:(

we even waited for the instructor side to side in front of the class.In fact, one time we stood up when our shoulders were touching.

so there is no possibility that she didn't know my section.


So what do you guys think, is she playing the fool? Is she acting like she doesn't care about me for to seem cool,casual or she doesn't care about me?





Sorry. my main language is not english so ask me again the parts you didn't understand please.

Dude, lol, take it easy with the followed her and shoulders touching. Relax and live your life.

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