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I met this guy online back in January we met in person two months later and became really good friends, since then everything has been different. Lately we been making out and had sex a few times, i don't know what his intentions are but i'm afraid that i'm falling for him, the last time we got together he kept asking me why i was doing stuff with him and i told him cause it was fun, then he told me that he was expecting me to say that i was in love with him. I don't know if he is playing with me or if he really has feelings. Sometimes is just the way he looks at me that tells me that he want to be with me, but he is to afraid to admitted he would ignored me or change the subject of the conversation.


He has someone, but from what i know he is not in love with that person, i really don't know what to do cause i really care for him and if i get attach he might not feel the same way. He only gets like this when he is drunk but never wants to talk about it when he is not. i just don't want to get attached and get hurt sometimes i think is better if we don't talk to each other but he don't want to do that. What i can i do?

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I don't know if he is playing with me


He has someone


He only gets like this when he is drunk


Does this clarify anything. For your own sake, i say ditch him before you get sucked in anymore than you have been.


P.S. Sleepless in seatle has poisoned you!!!!!! :sick::sick::sick::p

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