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Listen to your gut

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Be careful of being too nice because unfortunately anyone can take advantage of you. When push comes to shove the person who you would have jumped in front of a car for could turn into the meanest person you ever met. I think many people may present a show in the beginning of a relationship but every once in a while they show their face. In those moments your gut tells you something, but too many times we don't listen. That is what happened to me. I wanted love and a relationship so bad I ignored red flag after red flag. I was married to a women who I knew for 5 years and been married for 2. Looking back without those rose colored glasses I can honestly say she was the worst girlfriend I have ever been in but I still married her because I was too afraid to listen to my gut. On our wedding day was the final red flag and for a second I thought maybe this isn't a good idea and I still didn't listen. So please if your gut says something don't be like me and waste 5 years of your life.

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