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Should i reply?

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My girlfriend broke up with me a couple of weeks ago because she said that she didn't feel the same way anymore, we had been together for over 2 years and she is about to turn 19. I haven't contacted her since and today she msgd me saying hey how are you going, hope uni is going well, my puppy dogs want us to take them for a walk, when do you want to catch up? I still have feelings for her and I don't know if I should write back to her or not. What do you guys think?

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Oh geez, toneman......this must be so difficult for you - I feel your pain.


But, she dumped you right? saying the feelings were gone....


I think this is the part where strict 'no contact' comes into play...just my 2 cents.


Lets hear what the other members have to say :)

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yeah i dont know what she is thinking really, like she seems unsure and said that she had been questioning her decision non-stop and still has feelings for me, she even said that she would be upset if she saw me with another girl.

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Message her back, and say I don't see any point in "catching up." You made your choice not to be with me and I've moved on. Nice to hear from you, but I think it's better if we don't remain friends. Take care.

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As long as you have feelings for her, there's no point in hanging out with her. What Lonestar said would be a great way to approach it.

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If you still have feelings, and she's ambivalent about splitting up, I say message her back. This was a 2-year relationship, and an early one at that. Go for the ring. If she tells you to get lost, then you know it's time to move on. If she comes back to you, the reconciliation sex will be great. And if she comes back, and then dumps you, turn out the lights and close up shop as far as she's concerned.


I'd act on the connection that seems to remain on both your parts.

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