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I understand the 2nd chance concept but...

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Dumb question, but is there such a thing as a 3rd chance? or 2 strikes and its over pity is was not BASEBALL!!

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for many people there are third, fourth, fifth and sixth chances. But often when you get that far you are just being stupid.


The most important thing about getting back with an ex is deciding that things need to change. It will never work if everything is the same as it was before - that is what made you break up. Communication on both sides needs to be there and a willingness to compromise to make it work has also got to be there.


Trust me I know, my second go at it went much like the first. I am hoping that there can be a third but I understand that it must be VERY different from the last two attempts.

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Let me save you further heartache - if you've broken up, reconciled, broken up and reconciled over and over again you're just prolonging the agony and torturing yourself.


I recently ended my relationship because I simply got fed up. We got married/divorced - no contact for 4 months then he came knocking on my door and I went back to him (He caught me at a lonely time and after I had a glass of wine with dinner........his radar must have been on..).


We dated 8 months but it was difficult because I don't trust him any further than I can throw him - I have too much resentment built up by things he said and did during the beginning of our relationship (The time when he should have been on his best behavior).


It's just a waste of time - if it doesn't work or feel right the first time and you split - it just won't work no matter how hard to try. I got so resentful and pissed because he'd be wonderful and make promises after a breakup, I'd take him back and then in a matter of days he's back to his idiot self.


Go with the saying "You screw me over once, shame on you........screw me over twice, shame on me".

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