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I am in love with my teacher!!


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I am in love with my teacher who is 26 and I am 14. It has been like this for two years now and has been horrible. People think that I am crazy and say that they are going to get me help which sorta makes the situation worse. He knows that I like him and he told one of the other teachers to tell me that if I didn't stop harrassing him by looking at him and following him everywhere then he would kick me out of school. Almost my whole grade knows about it and they think that it is all a joke but it isn't, I am in LOVE!! I have been writting poems about him and many other things. I also have this teddy bear, that I pretend is him, who I have sex with, (or atleast try to) But I need some sorta help because this is ruining my life and I can't tell my parents because they won't understand. I just need to talk, please tell me what you think

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Look there are hot teachers in every school but you have to realize that they are there to guid you and yeh, that can be romantic but even if it was with a normal guy your ages, surely if he tells you that its not funny anymore and that he's embarraced, you would stop right.


Here look try this: Work harder at the subject and instead of falling in love try and get a friendship going with your teacher ... show him that you are a nice person. Hence ppl in your grade will see you differently and so will the teacher. But what you have to face is that he does not like you like that and it is interferring not only with your personal life but also your education which is going to be soo much more important in a few years time when he get older and loeses his looks and you grow up and find a hot guy ur own age.



I am in love with my teacher who is 26 and I am 14. It has been like this for two years now and has been horrible. People think that I am crazy and say that they are going to get me help which sorta makes the situation worse. He knows that I like him and he told one of the other teachers to tell me that if I didn't stop harrassing him by looking at him and following him everywhere then he would kick me out of school. Almost my whole grade knows about it and they think that it is all a joke but it isn't, I am in LOVE!! I have been writting poems about him and many other things. I also have this teddy bear, that I pretend is him, who I have sex with, (or atleast try to) But I need some sorta help because this is ruining my life and I can't tell my parents because they won't understand. I just need to talk, please tell me what you think
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Poor you! I feel so sorry for you.


It's one thing to be in love with your teacher if he likes you back, but it must be horrible to be in love with someone who doesn't even like you! He sounds like he is very irritated with your behaviour, so you'd better stop following him around NOW, or you could be accused of stalking. I was in love with my high school teacher too, but he was a nice person and reciprocated my attentions. You probably need attention and you aren't getting it from your family.


Try to talk to a school counsellor about this. Did your teacher ever do anything to encourage you to act this way?


He sounds like a jerk too if he has told other teachers that he will kick you out of school. Why are you in love with someone who is so mean spirited? He probably has a problem himself dealing with his own students, but that is not your concern. Try and get help, even though your hormones are racing around so much at 14. For God's sake, excercise some CONTROL.

I am in love with my teacher who is 26 and I am 14. It has been like this for two years now and has been horrible. People think that I am crazy and say that they are going to get me help which sorta makes the situation worse. He knows that I like him and he told one of the other teachers to tell me that if I didn't stop harrassing him by looking at him and following him everywhere then he would kick me out of school. Almost my whole grade knows about it and they think that it is all a joke but it isn't, I am in LOVE!! I have been writting poems about him and many other things. I also have this teddy bear, that I pretend is him, who I have sex with, (or atleast try to) But I need some sorta help because this is ruining my life and I can't tell my parents because they won't understand. I just need to talk, please tell me what you think
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