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boyfriend wandering eyes


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I just caught my boyfriend looking at this pretty girl the other day, i felt very jealous. I have never seen him do that before. when is crossing the line when guys do that? I love him but for a minute i felt uncomfortable.

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It is rude for a guy to gawk at other women in the presence of his special lady. However, there's not much you can do to keep a red blooded male from looking at attractive females...in person, on the Internet, in magazines, in videos, or wherever...if he is inclined to do so.


Tell him it is unacceptable for him to do this and how it makes you feel. At the same time, tell the neighborhor's dog not to chase cars and the mailman not to deliver advertisements.


Don't take his visual escapades too seriously. Some guys are more apt to look than others but most men will definitely take a good look at an attractive woman. It means totally nothing. The average man will look at about 5,427 beautiful women before age 50. Now, you are the one he is with and dedicated to. You should feel very special.


I guess if he starts grabbing in addition to looking, that could be considered out of line.

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You are completely overreacting. Jealousy will get you nowhere and only end up pissing him off. Guys are guys. They like to look at pretty girls. (And just because you never caught him before doesn't mean he's never done that.) Why do you think Cosmo, Playboy, Glamour, Maxim, all feature beautifully skinny models on the cover? Because guys like looking at them.


Why are you jealous? Are you afraid he's going to ditch you and chase after her? I mean, come on. Sure, it could happen, but it's not very likely if he loves you. Doesn't a good looking guy ever catch YOUR eye? Maybe you should work on your insecurity. If you think you look good, your whole being will exude that and you will look better than any other girl on the street.


In short, don't worry so much...

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Don't let yourself be bothered by this type of thing.


I don't see anything wrong with him looking at a pretty girl. Now if he's standing there staring at her for an hour and drooling over her, and paying you no attention, then say something to him.


But besides that, don't let it upset you. There are many beautiful men and women out there, you will encounter them every single day for the rest of your life. But this guy is with YOU, not the girl he's checking out.


When my boyfriend and I go out, and I see an extremely hot guy, you can be sure I'll check him out. There is nothing wrong with admiring beauty. I see it as a natural work of art. And not only will I check him out, but I will describe him to my boyfriend. "Ohhh HOT! Check him out!" It doesn't bother him though. We joke around about it. He asks if he'd like me to introduce me to him. And vice versa.


My boyfriend also looks at beautiful girls in front of me.


Heck, even I look at beautiful girls. I've seen some reallyy pretty ones, and I just admire them. (No I'm not bisexual). Instead of getting upset, I think: WOW she IS beautiful. So think of it as this way the next time it happens: Wow, if he thinks she's hot, hell...he must think even more highly of me because he's with ME.


If you think this is crossing the line, my good friend not only checks out girls while he's with his girlfriend, he'll go up to them and compliment them. But no matter what, he'll always say something like "Hey..just wanted to let you know that you're really beautiful.....but OF COURSE not as beautiful as MY GIRL" and he'll pull his girlfriend closer to him, smile, and keep on walking.


So don't get upset about it. Turn it into a joke, tease him about it, and laugh it off. He'll appreciate you much more if he sees you not get so worked up about these kinds of things.


Good luck!

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