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given the opportunity to cheat, will he??

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Ok, thanks to all who read this and reply to it...


So, my boyfriend, of 8 months confessed to me a while ago that he was a self professed "man whore" but is changing his ways for me... The thing is that i have a problem with trusting him, and he knows it...

He has a lot of friends that are girls, and if they know me, then i dont have a problem with them...



There is one person in particular that i am worried about.. SHe is a co-worker of his.... He talks to her about me, as in telling her things about our relationship and so on.. she is 5 years older than him and he is 3 years older than me... Yet he texts her as Boo Boo, and once as Baby ( he calls me Baby)......He has never canceled dates on me, and always tells me where he is going, and calls from work, etc.. SHe even called him once and when he said that he was with his girlfriend, she invited me along as well.. So, i really dont know how to read their relationship... Is it a platonic one? or are they cheating?? And since i am going to be gone for 9 weeks, i think that it gives them ample opportunity...



The other person is someone who he went out with a few times, but they didnt have any chemistry, so now she is one of the guys (so to speak). She recently moved into the apt complex next to his, and now works at the same place as him (different dept though) they have met for lunch before and he told me that they are going to study for some tests for work together... SHould i be worried about her?? I met her once, but he never introduced me as his girlfriend to her....



If i wasnt gone i wouldnt be worried.. we used to spend every weekend together... Friday nite thru monday morning.. ANd during the week, he worked til 10 at night... I just cant help but worry and he knows that... Do you think that he will cheat?? Should i be worried?? Thank you.... :)

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This all boils down to the issue of are you able to trust him, and has be demonstrated that he is trust-worthy. I would say "no" on both counts.

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