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Do you think having an irregular sleep schedule can be detrimental to your health?

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I always try to get 8 hours, but I work a split schedule, so it's never the same 8 hours.


I work 2 graveyard shifts (12am-8am) and 3 swings (4pm-12am)


So Wednesday I sleep all day 11am-7pm

Thursday I stay up for 24-30 hours

Friday I sleep 12am-1pm

Saturday I sleep 4am-1:30pm

Sunday I sleep 4am-12pm

Monday-Tuesday is my weekend, and I can sleep whatever I want.


Someone said recently that working nights "will kill me"


and I've read that it's important to sleep the same 8 hours every night.


I have noticed that my eye's are very sensitive to light as a result of rarely being up or outside during the day.



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i have heard that night shift does indeed throw off your body, even if you do get 8 hours.


it is more the fact that you are sleeping during the day that throws everything off.

The body does not rest as well or as deeply, b/c mentally you know it is daytime. hence your immune system can be compromised, your bodies ability to repair at rest is compromised, it affects your mood....... many night workers are depressed.

It affects your eating habits......especially contributing to over eating, and unhealthy eating. Really, who wants to make salad at 8:30 a.m. when they get off work? :confused:


there have been many studies doen on it. My mother worked nights when we were little and can attest to all the above mentioned.

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i think it depends...... i use to have a work schedule that changed every week it was hairy............one night i would be up from 7pm to 7am the next it would be from 5:30pm to 1am.....


you need a set schedule that is what i was told that way your body adjust to it but if you keep changing it up your body never adjust and you won't develop a sleeping habit.........i think that is why sometimes my sleep is so freaking nuts i can go days with out sleeping and be ok

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Originally posted by BigB

and I've read that it's important to sleep the same 8 hours every night.


Your schedule means you have permanent jetlag...


I have noticed that my eye's are very sensitive to light as a result of rarely being up or outside during the day.


... and you're turning into a vampire. The next step is the urge to hang around graveyards, quaffing blood with your buddies. :laugh:


Seriously, moving your sleeping hours around and not seeing much sun are neither of them good for your health...

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Originally posted by ReluctantRomeo


... and you're turning into a vampire. The next step is the urge to hang around graveyards, quaffing blood with your buddies. :laugh:




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I worked various shifts for the first 18 months or so after I got out of school - I was 23/24 - I never did adjust. I think a lot of it also has to do with what your 'normal' preference is for spending your day - I am a definite morning person, it might be easier if you were a night person. I know I feel the best when I listen to my body and get to bed about the same time every night so if that is what the research says, I believe it.


BigB - I've read about you complaining about other drawbacks to your job - time to figure out what you like to do better and put a plan in place to make it happen. I think you would definitely benefit from working around more people, the solitary nighttime work doesn't seem to suit you.

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I've worked all kinds of shifts. Graveyard is terrible Had a couple of co workers die at work. Sleeping when the rest of the world is making noise, means your sleep is light and broken.

I was always tired for 3 years. Trying to turn things around (sleep normal hours) every weekend was brutal.


If you can deal with the social issues, the 3:30 PM to midnight shift is best (IMHO) for the body.

But not if you get up early to watch the kids while cat-napping.


Normal hours are in effect longer because of rush hour traffic. And everything you try to accomplish (shopping etc) takes longer because a million others are on same hours as you. Getting real early sucks, especially if you were up late.

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