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Talking with ex again

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I had a relationship for a few months with a girl, I found her to be the first girl I've ever found truly enchanting and the first girl I could really see myself as being in love with and possibly marrying (some way down the line, not planning to, just first time it was even possibly conceivable). Even though it was a short relationship, I could feel that she was special.


Anyway, things ended quite sourly. It was complicated but it was partly her caginess and partly me being overbearing. There was also a significant event when I popped over to her house after she mentioned she couldn't get her mouthguard for sleeping. Her housemate had it, and she had seen for a while ages ago. They had had big arguments and she felt terrible after them, isolating herself in her room for a whole day after one. So I just went over to check she was okay as she didnt answer my texts or calls, but she misread this as me being overbearing. She had a very overbearing ex and was therefore cautious about this, and i guess i could be overbearing in other ways to a lesser extent.


Anyway, last night, after I superliked my ex on tinder she messaged me on Whatsapp. She just went 'Ok you superliked me on Tinder'. I joked that 'Well i look even more handsome w/ a blue outline, how are you?'. She said she was okay, asked how I was but kept on with asking why i superliked her. I said I was good and mentioned that I was printing off letters for parents for my PhD research, then said 'Theres no 'miss a tiny bit button'. I dont think she realised this was a remark about tinder because she said lets not evade the question, why did you do it, because things did end sourly, but then said it was good i was on top of academic things. I said 'it did didnt it (end sourly), mad some stupid mistakes. I liked the idea of talking anyway.' Then I mentioned that I'll be doing class observation for my research next week and some teachers have warned me about some classes so should be interesting haha hows your degree going?.


Now theres no response. And to be honest it is bugging me because we've had a conversation before where she ended up ignoring me. I dont know why she cant just ask me about something she wants to know or say something, because clearly she has some sort of interest or she would just ignore me liking her on Tinder. What do I do?

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I kind of want to send another message. Maybe mentioning that I gave my first lecture at the uni but also saying 'if you want to chat about the mistakes that were made then we could do that, but I thought we could just chat again, see how things go, because i know none of that would happen again from my side. I want things to be chilled.' Good idea?

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Honestly, it's nearly impossible to answer your question without knowing how/why things ended sourly. Did you cheat? Did she?



I can't tell you to buy a new car or fix the old one until I know what happened to the old one---or if you're a good driver. no point in buying a new car or fixing the old one if you're just gonna drive it into the ground. better to buy a bike. know what I mean?

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