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Omg why?? HELP!!!!!!!

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ok my bf never masterbates when were going to sleep jus recently i found out hes been touchign himself while we are supposed to be going to sleep. liek he lays on his side an rubs it but he does it slowly an pretends like hes sleeping. an another time he did do it on his side two days ago, i was so mad i tookt he blankets off an asked him what he was doing but he took out his hand an pretended he was sleeping an then i hit him over the head an he yelled at me saying im sleeping what do u want an im liek why are u masterbating alone an hes like i wasnt im like ur cheating on me an he got in this huge fight an went to sleep without doing it again so i took a knife an i cut my wrists i had 4 marks becuase i was so like self esteem went down the drain.Hes probably thinking of other girls I hope not event hough he lies to me too an says he never stares at girls or likes girls but im a girl that makes no sense or he never looks at porn he never does since i live with him an its been 4 yrs., i started to cry he awoke an hes like wats wrong an i showed him my wrists an he said why are u doing this to urself he got so mad at me an he said that he didnt want to go out with me anymore because everyday it wil be like this an im hurting myself an he said since im hurting myself he will hurt himself. its because he was doing those things, he used to say he never masterbates alone that its cheating an all that crap but he does it, an i dont understand why i think its becuase im not attractive enough or hes bored of me, please i need help, my wrists have gotten better he hasnt touched himself for four days after that happened. but now he takes longer showers.. i dont know. I just dont know anymore he will never admit to it, someone please help why was he doing this. When he said he would never go out with me he told me he didnt mean it an he started to cry. but he hasnt done it since unless he takes a shower he takes forever I hope hes not doing something sick there..

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You really do need help. Seriously.


You are resorting to using passive aggressive behavior and threats, and self mutilation to manipulate your boyfriend into doing what you want. Your motives are purely selfish, and your only interests are your own. You may want others to see you as the victim in this situation, but you are not - and what you are doing to your boyfriend amounts to emotional abuse. I can only hope that your boyfriend cares enough about you to call 911 the next time you cut yourself up so that you can be committed to a mental facility that will give you the help you really need.

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you need to STOP. please. You will make yourself sick thinking like this. It isnt natural or healthy. Do you touch yourself??? Why are you focusing on this? I dont understand? The more you make a big issue of something, the more he will do it, dont you know that??/ Explain why you are going through this....I dont understand.

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I agree with Both ladies!


Please get some help!


There is nothing wrong with your b/f masturbating!


He maybe very uncomfortable doing it in front of you because your views are very narrow minded and selfish!?

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any guy who says he doesnt masturbate is only saying it to curb jealousy of his girlfriend. it is most definitely not cheating.


Definitely -- the therapy is DEFINITELY something you need right now...I know its not what you want to hear but you are going to lose him REAL fast if you dont get some help now. In fact, if I were him I'd already be gone. I wont put up with that for a second :confused:

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All I can think of, YOU SLICED YOUR WRIST!!! I don't even think therapy can help her. Sorry but if you're hurting yourself for a guy doing something he does when he turns 8, you have issues.

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